Desde el inicio de la pandemia de coronavirus se registraron 1.563.865 infectados en todo el país, 1.384.277 pacientes recuperados y 42.314. fallecidos. Visit the website or go straight to the COVID-19 area of the library to find resources on prevention and control measures. Continue to … Sólo el 1% de los estudiantes asiste a clases presenciales", "Ciudad. [16] Finally, on 17 July, the lockdown was due to be gradually loosened in several stages to lead to the return to normality,[17] although restrictions were extended several times until 8 November. Donations reached a total of 87,938,624 Argentine pesos (ARS). Called ELA-chemstrip, it was developed by Argentine scientists from the National University of Quilmes and the National University of General San Martín. Staple food items largely remained the same price, while personal care products, tobacco and alcohol have all risen. The bottom 10 is rounded out by Karachi (Pakistan), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Algiers (Algeria) and Bangalore and Chennai, in India. cliquez ici. The study focuses on the transport of aerosol particles resulting from biomass burning in central South America towards the megacity of Buenos Aires by the South American Low-Level Jet. [308], Through the beginning of September, several journalists, hosts, crew and famous personalities from television and radio tested positive for the virus. [127] Argentina was among the Latin American countries that earned the best grades for their response to the pandemic, according to a poll conducted in the region, only behind Uruguay and Paraguay. [146], After the end of the previous phase of the lockdown in Greater Buenos Aires, President Fernández finally announced on 17 July that the lockdown would be gradually loosened in several stages to lead to the return to normality. [44], On 19 March, President Alberto Fernández announced a mandatory lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus. The official data from this day reclassified two deaths that were wrongly reported as deceased. [208], During October, the opening of educational institutions was confirmed by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires. FORT WORTH, Texas — American Airlines Group Inc. (NASDAQ: AAL) today announced additional adjustments to its schedule in response to decreased travel demand due to coronavirus (COVID-19). This phase of the lockdown would be extended until 17 July. The top 10 is completed by Geneva, New York City, Copenhagen and Los Angeles. According to the Argentinian Intensive Care Society, there are only 1,350 physicians trained for that specialty. [153], On 6 November, Fernández announced that the lockdown would come to an end in Greater Buenos Aires in order to move to the social distancing phase, although it could continue in other provinces until 29 November. [126][129] Image of Fernández increased during the first weeks of the lockdown according to some surveys,[130] but later suffered a slightly decrease on April due to the prolongation of the lockdown. Brazil, of course, has suffered hugely during the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).On 3 March 2020, the virus was confirmed to have spread to Argentina. Reykjavik, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo show the biggest price drops. How many airports are there in Buenos Aires? Individuals considering travel should consult their country’s consular posts and seek case-specific … [58], On 3 July, The Governor of the Province of Catamarca confirmed its first case within the province. [34] Rapidly, on the next day the total cases increased to eight. [136], Fernández announced a one-time emergency payment of 10,000 pesos (US$154) to lower-income individuals whose income was affected by the lockdown, including retirees. Apr [301], The only telenovela that was airing on broadcast television before the beginning of the pandemic, Separadas (from El Trece), was removed from the schedule after its 19 March airing and production was suspended temporarily. [320] Later, on 4 August, the Argentine Football Association announced that after health protocols were approved by the government, practices of the Men's First Division and Women's First Division would definitely return on 10 August, later being joined by the First National on 2 September and the rest of the categories on 7 September. [53], Martín Insaurralde, the Mayor of Lomas de Zamora was diagnosed with COVID-19 and isolated on 12 June. Hay 35.000 pymes que están considerando cerrar su negocio", "IMF predicts Argentina's economy will slump 9.9% in 2020", "INDEC: Economy contracted by 5.4% in first quarter of 2020", "IMF predicts deeper global recession due to coronavirus pandemic", "Informe de avance del nivel de actividad - Segundo trimestre de 2020", National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina, "Argentina's Economy Slumps 16.2%, Narrowly Beating Forecasts", "Argentina economy plunges record 19.1% in second quarter on pandemic impact", "Argentina unemployment rate hit 13.1% in second quarter - stats agency", "Unemployment in Argentina rises to 16-year high of 13.1%", "Argentina jobless rate hits 16-year high amid pandemic, lockdown", "El Gobierno cierra fronteras, aeropuertos y puertos por el coronavirus: la veda alcanza a los argentinos", "Coronavirus: Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 bonificará los costos de la importación de insumos para investigar al COVID-19", "Coronavirus en Argentina: El Gobierno permite la repatriación de hasta 700 argentinos por día y evalúa nuevos vuelos sanitarios", "Coronavirus: cierran los hoteles para el turismo local hasta el 31 de marzo", "Argentina could loosen coronavirus travel ban early, says airline trade group", "Argentina plans to resume foreign flights as soon as mid-August", "Transport minister says 'return of regular flights' may begin on October 1", "Argentina could restart international flights in October, source says", "Companies Flee Argentina, and Coronavirus Is Just One Reason", "Latam Argentina anunció que deja de operar en el país", "Argentina's economic woes send companies fleeing", "Aerolíneas Argentinas vendió más de 188 mil pasajes durante la última semana", "Sin anuncio oficial sobre el regreso de los vuelos, las aerolíneas postergaron su cronograma para el 12 de octubre", "Durante octubre, American Airlines tendrá vuelos diarios entre Buenos Aires y Miami", "Domestic flights restart in Argentina after seven-month stoppage", "De Argentina a México: ¿dónde se respeta más la cuarentena por coronavirus? [19] Clusters of infections and deaths have occurred in nursing homes, prisons and other detention centers, and urban areas. The EIU predicts that the trends will continue, with people prioritizing staples and home entertainment over the likes of clothing during 2021. [109][110] The trial is made by mRNA constructs and consists of four vaccines, randomized, placebo-controlled, dose-finding and vaccine candidate-selection, and would begin its phase IIb-III after preliminary data from the previous phase were positive. [263] Under the lockdown tightening that came into effect on 1 July, public transportation use in Greater Buenos Aires dropped by 30 percent (around 300,000 passengers) on the first days compared versus the previous week. [264], On 4 August, the Sarmiento Line of train interrupted its service after COVID-19 cases were detected among its employees. This is due to the fact that the ministries are giving their reports at different times throughout the day and also to different criteria regarding the counting of infected: by district of hospitalization or district of residence. The test, called NEOKIT-COVID-19, allows to obtain results in almost an hour and it offers a high degree of sensitivity (which reduces the possibility of false negatives) and specificity (which minimizes the probability of false positives). [23], On 11 March, the government announced a mandatory 14-day-quarantine to every person that returned to Argentina from highly affected countries such as China, South Korea, Japan, Iran, the United States and all of Europe. It was supposed to be played on 17 March, but was moved to 1 April. But as we all know, metropolitan living comes at a cost -- especially if you pick Hong Kong, Paris or Zurich, which are the world's most expensive cities according to new research. [265] 36 workers tested positive for the virus and 130 people had to be isolated. Buenos Aires cambió el método de registro de muertos y sumó más de 3500: ahora son 12.566", "Coronavirus: Buenos Aires cargó casi 3200 muertos y la Argentina superó los 20.000 fallecidos", Public Health Emergency of International Concern, Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing, Sancaktepe Prof. Dr. Feriha Öz Emergency Hospital, Yeşilköy Prof. Dr. Murat Dilmener Emergency Hospital, NHS Nightingale Hospital Yorkshire and the Humber, Kandakadu Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, COVID-19 Response Acceleration Task Force, Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups, Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases, National COVID-19 Coordination Commission, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board (Turkey), Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, World map by countries: confirmed per capita,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles containing potentially dated statements from December 2020, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, A bicyclist and a police officer wearing masks in. [41][42], Tierra del Fuego was put on lockdown on 16 March, becoming the first province to do so. The UN made claims to the Argentine government on these cases. [72], After three weeks, Fernández announced that due to the epidemiological situation in the weeks prior to 9 October, the lockdown would continue until 25 October with new measures in order to decrease circulation in 18 provinces. [97][98][99] It began on hospitals and hemotherapy centers in Greater Buenos Aires and was later extended to the rest of the country. [311], On 13 March, the 2020 running of Rally Argentina was postponed. [24][25] The case fatality rate for COVID-19[26][27] has been much lower than the 2002–2004 SARS outbreak, but transmission has been significantly greater, with a significant total death toll. DESTINATIONS Where we fly Barcelona. [80] Three days later, it was announced that the lockdown would continue for another two weeks in provinces with a high number of daily new confirmed cases. [103][104] On 13 June, a new announcement of another quick diagnosis test to detect the SARS-CoV-2 was made. [300], On 12 March, FIFA announced that the first two rounds of the South American qualification for the 2022 World Cup due to take place in March 2020 were postponed to later dates. [7] It was among the strictest measures in the region. [317], After months of uncertainty,[318][319] a tentative date for the return of football was announced. [241][242] This was also favored by laws suspending evictions as a relief measure for the crisis. [154] Gradual openings would begin to be implemented to all educational levels, restaurants and bars with indoor services and private construction, and outdoor social gatherings would be allowed. [57] A few days later, it was informed that June concluded with 64,517 confirmed cases, 1,307 deaths and 22,015 recoveries from the virus. ", "Coronavirus en la Argentina: los cambios de la TV abierta", "Coronavirus en la televisión argentina: qué famosos dieron positivo", "Coronavirus: cómo fue la maratón de TV que transmitieron todos los canales de aire en cadena", "El futuro de "Separadas": luego de que el elenco pidiera cesar las grabaciones, qué determinación tomó el canal", "Polka cancela Separadas y se abre la discusión sobre el futuro de la ficción argentina", "Ya hay cinco casos de coronavirus en la televisión argentina", "Por un caso de coronavirus en El precio justo, Lizy Tagliani deberá aislarse", "Entre protocolos y cuestionamientos, el coronavirus llegó a la TV", "Confirman el primer caso de coronavirus en América TV", "Update on upcoming FIFA World Cup qualifiers in South America", "La CONMEBOL Libertadores queda suspendida temporalmente", "Euro 2020 and Copa América Are Postponed for a Year", "Coronavirus forces WRC Rally Argentina to be postponed", "Three MotoGP races cancelled due to pandemic, one added in Europe", "Coronavirus. [101] This test allows testing RNA samples and does not require complex equipment (such as thermal cyclers). ", "Encuesta reveló que disminuyó la preocupación de los argentinos frente al coronavirus", "Encuesta revela "fastidio" con la cuarentena que erosiona imagen de Alberto Fernández", "Cae la imagen de Alberto Fernández: demasiada cuarentena, rechazo a los presos y efecto Cristina", "Según encuestas, cambia el humor social respecto de la opción "salud o economía, "Una encuesta muestra un alto respaldo a la cuarentena y a las medidas del Gobierno", "Argentina offers spot payments to coronavirus-hit low income workers", "En medio de la cuarentena total, hoy abren los bancos: quiénes pueden ir y cómo van a funcionar", "Cuáles son las actividades permitidas en las nueve provincias que flexibilizan la cuarentena", "Coronavirus en la Argentina: mantienen sin cambios la cuarentena en la Capital Federal y en la provincia de Buenos Aires", "Coronavirus en Argentina: las estadísticas que mostró Alberto Fernández para justificar la extensión de la cuarentena", "Coronavirus en Argentina: todos los detalles de las actividades que se habilitarán en el Área Metropolitana", "Encuesta nacional: el coronavirus generó una nueva "grieta del miedo" entre los argentinos", "Solo tres de cada diez argentinos creen lo que dice la OMS sobre el origen del virus", "Alberto Fernández anunció una cuarentena estricta entre el 1 y el 17 de julio para el área metropolitana: "Tenemos que aislar el AMBA del resto del país, "Cuáles serán las nuevas restricciones: qué se puede hacer y qué no en la próxima etapa de la cuarentena en el AMBA", "Coronavirus en la Argentina. On 24 July, the trial entered its phase II–III after being approved by ANMAT. [36], On 11 March, the government also announced a mandatory 14-day-quarantine to every person that returned to Argentina from highly affected countries including China, South Korea, Japan, Iran, the United States and all of Europe. "A systemic … [302] Two months later, producing company Pol-Ka definitely cancelled the show due to "economic reasons", leaving Argentine television without any scripted programming. [117], A COVID-19 hyperimmune serum based on equine polyclonal antibodies was developed by Argentine biotech company Inmunova. GENEVA (AP) — Breakdancing became an official Olympic sport on Monday.The International Olympic Committee’s pursuit of urban events to lure a younger audience saw street dance battles officially added to the medal events program at the 2024 Paris Games.Also confirmed for Paris by the IOC executive board were skateboarding, sport climbing, and surfing.Those three sports will make … [206][207] Over 10,000 students in San Juan became the first to return to face-to-face classes through social distancing on 10 August. May Aug Oct The biggest rise is Tehran, which has climbed up the ladder from 106th to 79th, due to US sanctions impacting supplies. [295][296], Since the start of the national lockdown, broadcast television saw a 30 percent increase of viewership during the week between 17 and 22 March. [150] Several cities that experienced a big growth in the number of confirmed cases in the previous weeks were put back into a tighter lockdown. [75] September concluded with 750,988 cummulative confirmed cases, 16,937 cummulative deaths and 594,632 recoveries. [63] August finally concluded with 417,722 confirmed cases, 8,660 deaths and 301,182 recoveries. Authorities also prohibited the sale of N95 masks to non-medical workers, suggesting the general public to use home-made masks instead. Bike shops play key role in second COVID-19 lockdown Unlike the two-month lockdown in Paris this past spring, the second lockdown this autumn is somewhat less restrictive. Both analyses were performed for the pandemic lockdown due to COVID-19 in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA), the … [232], In the Buenos Aires' Atlantic coast, a popular summertime vacation place, there was a wave of thefts against summer houses. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. Alberto Fernández pidió que el fútbol siga y se transmita por TV abierta", "#CopaArgentina El encuentro entre @Independiente y @VillaMitreBB , por los 32avos de Final, fue reprogramado para el miércoles 1 de abril, en horario a confirmar", "El fútbol se detiene por el coronavirus: los motivos de la marcha atrás del Gobierno", "A dos meses del último partido en Argentina", "Rodolfo D'Onofrio se refirió a la vuelta a los entrenamientos en Argentina: "El fútbol hoy no es una prioridad, "AFA y Gobierno diagraman la vuelta a los entrenamientos en el fútbol argentino", "Qué jugadores del fútbol argentino dieron positivo por coronavirus", "Se confirmaron 11 casos de coronavirus en el fútbol argentino tras los exámenes antes de reiniciar los entrenamientos", "Población por sexo e índice de masculinidad. La odisea de los camioneros en la pandemia", "Camioneros cortan la ruta 34 por abusos en los controles en Santiago del Estero", "Un hombre murió al intentar cruzar una barricada entre San Luis y Córdoba", "Nerves fray in Argentina, where some flout pandemic lockdown", "Tucumán: Probe into police opened after man 'suffocated' during arrest", "Facundo Astudillo Castro's disappearance: How the search unfolded", "ARGENTINA: DISAPPEARED DURING COVID-19 QUARANTINE", "La ONU reclamó al Estado una "estrategia integral" para hallar a Facundo Castro", "«La APDH se reunió con representantes de Oficina Regional para America del Sur del Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los DDHH sobre el caso de desaparición forzada y asesinato de Luis Espinoza", "Quarantine extension: new permits, more checkpoints, less public transport", "Murió Solange, la joven enferma de cáncer que no pudo despedirse de su padre en Córdoba", "Un jubilado murió en la ruta luego de que le negaran el ingreso a La Pampa para ser atendido de urgencia", "Un "país aparte", la provincia donde solo rigen las leyes de Gildo Insfrán", "Lleva 50 días varado en Formosa y no pudo estar en el nacimiento de su hija: "Voy a cruzar nadando, "La Corte Suprema le ordenó a Formosa que deje entrar a todos los varados en un plazo máximo de 15 días", "Coronavirus en la Argentina: la Corte Suprema falló contra Gildo Insfrán y ordenó la libre circulación en Formosa", "Camioneros de Salta tildan de "inhumano" fajar los vehículos", "Coronavirus en la Argentina: vuelven los vuelos internacionales", "Aerolíneas Argentinas arrancó con los vuelos de cabotaje regulares", "Commercial flights to and from Argentina could restart in October", "IATA Calls on Argentine Government to Support Aviation in the Face of COVID-19 Crisis", "Coronavirus: la televisión de aire crece en rating y cambia su programación", "Cocina, música y cine, ¿las claves de la televisión en tiempos de coronavirus?
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