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On the basis of crime rates, some of the least safe Caribbean Islands to visit include Puerto Rico, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago. Crime in Haiti. There is a high level of crime in Haiti. Information about crime in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The devastating earthquake in 2010 resulted in the deaths of 150,000 people. The reliability of underlying national murder rate data may vary. Whether murder is self-inflicted, homicidal, or accidental, murder rates around the world vary significantly by country.. Several factors contribute to lower murder rates and overall crime rates.These include the wealth of a nation, effective law enforcement, strict weapons regulations, severity of punishments for committing murder, and more. Homicide is the death of a person purposefully inflicted by another person (it excludes suicides) outside of a state of war. Robbery rate Knoema, an Eldridge business, is the most comprehensive source of global decision-making data in the world. That means about 10 people out of every 100,000 are murdered in the country. Reliable crime statistics for Haiti is difficult to come by. Violent crime > Intentional homicide rate: Homicides per 100’000 residents. This may seem high, but it’s important to remember that many other Latin American countries feature much higher murder rates. In 2016, 1,028 people died as a result of intentional homicide in Haiti. The list of countries by UNODC homicide rate is typically expressed in units of deaths per 100,000 individuals per year; thus, a mortality rate of 30 (out of 100,000) in a population of 100,000 would mean 30 deaths per year in that entire population, or 0.03% out of the total. Only UNODC data is used in the main table below. As we noted though, most crime in the Caribbean is an internal problem and is linked to inner-city areas well away from tourist resorts. Our tools allow individuals and organizations to discover, visualize, model, and present their data and the world’s data to facilitate better decisions and better outcomes. Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) - Haiti. Life expectancy is low, a quarter of the population has access to safe drinking water, less than half the population is literate and the majority of Haitians live in extreme poverty. While the homicide rate in Port-au-Prince is lower than that of some other Caribbean cities, Haiti's capital saw 60.9 murders per 100,000 residents over the year leading up to February 2012, the highest recorded murder rate since 2006, according to the study. Shows how much people think the problem in their community are property crimes (home broken, car theft, etc. Homicide is a broader category than murder, as it also includes manslaughter. A comparative analysis of figures from various police/security entities operating throughout Haiti indicates that incidents of crimes tend to be inaccurately or under-reported. Haiti - Homicide rate Intentional homicides, female (per 100,000 female) Definition: Intentional homicides, female are estimates of unlawful female homicides purposely inflicted as a result of domestic disputes, interpersonal violence, violent conflicts over land resources, intergang violence over turf or control, and predatory violence and killing by armed groups. The murder rate per 100,000 people in Haiti is around 10.04 . A year earlier, the number of victims had reached 1,071, the highest number at least since 2007. UN Office on Drugs and Crime's International Homicide Statistics database. ), violent crimes (being mugged or robbed, being attacked or insulted), corruption and other crimes. In 2016, the number of homicides per 100,000 population in Haiti was estimated at 9.5, down from 10 a year earlier. The most common type of violent crime is murder.

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