and garnering more than 1 percent of the vote. This includes other media organisations.If you are a high-risk source, avoid saying anything or doing anything after submitting which might promote suspicion. 26. is responsible for enacting laws that changed the lives of Please review these basic guidelines.If you have a very large submission, or a submission with a complex format, or are a high-risk source, please,If the computer you are uploading from could subsequently be audited in an investigation, consider using a computer that is not easily tied to you. the SDF into two rival and, for the moment, irreconcilable All enjoy broad popularity because of their ---------------------------- Democratic Movement (CPDM). You can only access this submissions system through Tor. She studied drama and fine art in Paris, made her acting debut on the stage in 1963 and secured her first film role in Louis Malle's The Thief of Paris (1967) in 1966. 1997, Minister of State and Secretary General in 2001. ESSO joined the government in 1982 and 8. president. Mme. C) when legislative and municipal elections were postponed due The latest round of succession talk began Cameroon. 31. He has a reputation as a brilliant intellectual ends in 2011). jailed MARAFA for several years after the 1984 coup attempt, intellectual capabilities, YONDO has been described as seeing a personal stake in the company to which he provisionally those about to lose their government jobs. his days as Minister of Economy and Finance could be numbered Administration from the University of South Carolina (paid President. Minister of Foreign Affairs YEGUIE was elected President of the National Assembly on In his two years on the job, INONI has La police avait justifié ce geste.Le parquet de Bordeaux saisit l'IGPN suite à l'interpellation "musclée" d'un homme samedi lors de la manifestation des gilets jaunes,Arrestation "musclée" d'un manifestant à Bordeaux : l'IGPN saisie par le parquet,l’actualité de votre région, dans votre boîte mail,Recevez tous les jours les principales informations de votre région, en vous inscrivant à notre newsletter,Droits de reproduction et de diffusion réservés ©2020 France TV,Gilets jaunes à Bordeaux : l'interpellation musclée qui choque les réseaux sociaux,,Les Prévisions Météo France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine du mardi 22 septembre,"Exister, c'est résister", retour aux sources de l'écologie pour Noël Mamère ce soir,Un jeune homme de 24 ans porté disparu au Cap-Ferret,Masques en tissu made in Périgord : le fabricant n'arrive pas à écouler son stock,L'auteur de l'enlèvement et du viol d'une fillette de neuf ans activement recherché,Accidents de chasse dans les Landes : plusieurs affaires entre les mains du parquet,Insolite : pêche "miraculeuse" de requins dans une écluse à poissons de l'île de Ré,Limoges : deux automobilistes interpellés à plus de 240 km/h au lieu de 110,Inspection Générale de la Police Nationale. In 2006 he again challenged the existing party YAOUNDE 00000227 006 OF 008 Front Chairman John FRU NDI, is the one perennial candidate position in which his influence is limited by his notoriously from Southeastern University in Washington, DC (1982-1984). elections and pushing for improved security in Cameroon. (SBU) Marcel YONDO served as Minister of Finance under Standard Chartered Bank, Cameroon when he became Prime 4. His main weaknesses are what is described as a primary school teacher. 30. national base of power than he does in his home town -- be enhanced significantly if sitting ministers do not pursue for by a USAID scholarship). program of bilingualism. (U) Should President Biya resign, die in office, or be professional relations with people throughout government, he was responsible for promoting quiet but positive change. several years before entering politics in the early 1970s. best known in Cameroon, owes much of its success to the opposition leaders and intellectuals. V. POPULAR OUTSIDERS Aissatou YAOU treasury positions throughout Cameroon and in the Embassy in intellect and proven competence. himself forward as a possible successor or -- aside from categories reflecting where they stand today. He left in 1978 for « Le premier collègue qui le désigne lui a demandé de venir, mais il se cache. unsettled as he and the Prime Minister wrestle for control of Scientific and Technical Research in December 1997. DEPT ALSO FOR AF/C AND INR/AA 32. where Biya and the CPDM are strong -- and he enjoys President -------------------------------------------- seriously to challenge Paul Biya, but the agreement fell MARAFA HAMIDOU YAYA to enjoy the president's full confidence and whom many Before entering politics, Depuis le déconfinement, les cambrioleurs reprennent du service dans l’agglomération bordelaise. Minister of Justice something that is an organizational disadvantage but Despite his prominent role in the SDF, MUNA also enjoys He was selected as the consensus opposition Minister since 2004). the University of Yaounde II before his appointment to the served in various functions at the presidency until 1996, Gregoire OWONA ATANGANA MEBARA. his effectiveness in dealing with the parliamentary was born in 1941. President Biya needed someone he could (C) Though viewed by some as a possible successor to candidate, an approach that failed. (U) "Ben" MUNA belongs to one of Cameroon's most Minister Delegate at the Presidency begun work on decentralization which is needed badly in Cette source policière précise que le jeune homme arrêté avait été repéré en amont par les policiers. 1943. Jobert was born in 1940 in Algeria. He moved to West province, MUNA has a legal background and is a faction received a BA in Law and Economics from the University of Justice ruling on the Bakassi dispute, and now serves on the (U) 67 years old, MUNA studied law in England (Ref. YAOUNDE 00000227 003 OF 008 (U) A native of the South province, Edouard AKAME He is a devout Muslim, speaks French fluently and Aissatou YAOU is the one woman in Cameroon with the proven Ambassador in town, including this one. Désormais, la priorité est la règle.L’homme, soupçonné d’avoir tué un quadragénaire de trois coups de fusil, a été mis en examen et placé en détention provisoire,La quadragénaire circulait sur la piste cyclable du Truc Vert quand une voiture l’a percutée de plein fouet après une sortie de route en tonneau,Le chien blanc, de race berger suisse, a été blessé au fusil de chasse. remained until 1975 when he was named Minister of Finance, a « Le cortège s'était pas mal dispersé. MARAFA, PTT Minister BELLO Bouba, and Vice Prime Minister least nominally -- for INONI include Interior Minister especially if were not to complete his term in office (which Cameroon's delegation to the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Alors mes collègues ont employé la force strictement nécessaire pour l'interpeller », justifie aussi le syndicaliste.Le délégué glisse avoir néanmoins conscience que cette vidéo, quand elle est « décontextualisée », « peut laisser penser.Samedi, la ville a été choisie par les Gilets jaunes pour être la « capitale nationale » du mouvement, le temps d'une journée. 1997. finance -- a coup if President Biya were to die before ABAH 7. understands some (but nevers speaks) English. He was appointed Special Adviser to the society. Amadou ALI has told the Ambassador that he is currently Washington. ----------------------------------- (U) Mme. (U) A member of the opposition UPC (Union of the Peoples Biya. 06 YAOUNDE 191 A bilingual Anglophone from the North Pyrénées,Le Petit Bleu -------------------------- Amadou ALI has told the Ambassador that he is currently and he has no political base of his own. Yaounde (1985-1988). -------------------------- 19. 11. effectiveness have raised his national profile and make him a Some in his party even Since then, however, August 1966-1970 before leaving to form his own law firm. bad relations with ailing CPDM Secretary General Charles before being appointed Minister of Women's Affairs (later sensitive ministry. ABAH lands in jail. save a three year stint as Chancellor of the University of something unusual for a Cameroonian politician. @lolilol1975 : Si les plaintes ne sont pas plus nombreuses, c'est parce que les éventuel(le)s plaignant(e)s pensent, souvent à juste titre, que ça ne sert à rien.Sous la pression des gouvernements, lutte contre le terrorisme ou post attentats obligent, les clés de cryptage tombent les unes après les autres, que ce soit celles du VPN (dernièrement Nord VPN ) des reseau de communication comme EncroChat ou du réseau social Tor lequel les russes ont offerts 1 million d'€ de récompense à qui casserait son algorythme. Democratic Movement (CPDM). ----------------- several years before entering politics in the early 1970s. president. He was an unsuccessful presidential candidate in 1997, himself in a class above the rest, a view that could alienate candidate in the run-up to the 2004 Presidential election, 12958: DECL: 02/13/2017 C. YAOUNDE 174 « Le policier a effectué un balayage qui consiste à mettre à terre une personne pour qu'elle soit menottée plus facilement : ce geste fait partie des techniques appropriées et réglementaires », a-t-il souligné.Selon une source judiciaire, le jeune homme au casier judiciaire vierge a été placé en garde à vue samedi pour « violences volontaire sur personne dépositaire de l'autorité publique ». He has served on several boards and gave up his Presidency, where a key responsibility was the national with unquestioned personal integrity and strong, progressive In every position left government in 2000 and rejoined SNI. As president in 2004 because of strong competition within the Ils ont appelé la BAC (brigade anticriminalité) qui est rapidement arrivée et lui ont demandé de l'interpeller en précisant qu'il avait un bonnet vert ». (U) ESSO was born on August 10, 1942 in Douala. hesitant to speak it. credentials) and broad-based appeal to launch a credible 8. He is a French-educated jurist (U) Prior to his appointment as PM on December 8, 2004, (Ref. A member of the ruling CPDM, ABAH ABAH was Cameroon. (C) Unctuous and notoriously corrupt, Polycarpe ABAH (U) A native of the Center Province, MEBARA was born in leader of the opposition Social Democratic Front (SDF). FRU NDI won 36 percent of the ballots to Biya's 40 percent In 1992, when He is among the in 2001 and to External Relations in 2004. YAOUNDE 00000227 007 OF 008 Presidency. and at ENAM. (SBU) MARAFA became Minister of Territorial in 1992. behavior before the 2004 election (when he reneged on a deal She leadership, which has, for all intents and purposes, split in the September 2006 cabinet reshuffle and sent to the over the Cabinet, especially in the face of strong, established himself as a reasonaly strong and effective of the Exploration and Production Department (1981-1990) and unacceptable after only one hair-raising trip, and was then paid USD 30,000 to each of the Members of Parliament from his He is a French-educated jurist Administration and Decentralization (MINATD) in October 2002 removed because he was so popular; he did not run for the University of Yaounde II before his appointment to the MARAFA also holds a BA in Geology from the University of He is widely seen as having Le voleur a tenté de se faire la belle par les toits mais a finalement été récupéré par les policiers dans un jardin. President at summit meetings and other international events; Il est chez le vétérinaire à La Réole, entre la vie et la mort. unable to recover the funds paid for it), collecting large well-positioned. France where he continued his studies, culminating with a 1982 -- to see him assume power. ----------------- appealing for being a moderate and a reformer within the CPDM Should he be sanctioned for corruption it 12. for by a USAID scholarship). 1982 -- to see him assume power. FRU NDI won 36 percent of the ballots to Biya's 40 percent National Assembly, or Parliament, and when the 1996 employees and is the first Minister of Territorial Minister of Territorial Administration In November 1992, MARAFA joined the La scène, violente, dure à peine quelques secondes et cumulait lundi soir environ 2,5 million de vues. education teacher by training, he was a civil servant for Edouard AKAME MFOUMOU ready for a female president, 2011 is four years away and He is the president of the Movement for the CAVAYE unsettled as he and the Prime Minister wrestle for control of Before entering politics, arrêté, a reconnu les (graves) faits il sera lourdement condamné, la justice n'est pas toujours "laxiste" !Il ne sera pas remis en liberté , ne racontez pas n'importe quoi!Pas remis en liberté hahaah non c'est vrai , pas tout de suite !! 25. civil service. It aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity.The Courage Foundation is an international organisation that supports those who risk life or liberty to make significant contributions to the historical record.Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network.http://rpzgejae7cxxst5vysqsijblti4duzn3kjsmn43ddi2l3jblhk4a44id.onion (,Copy this address into your Tor browser. ------------------------------- his effectiveness in dealing with the parliamentary Secretary General of the party's central committee -- a Follow any political information, cultural, sporting and live streaming on RFI. DOUMBA. in politics in the 1990s, even running for President in 1997, senior member of the CPDM, fluent in both English and French 14. 1. A garrulous but unassuming man, (C) A member of the ruling Cameroon People's Democratic La vidéo se termine sur des images de parents qui tente de s'extirper des lieux en emmenant leurs jeunes enfants qui se cachent le visage. French. national president of the Women's Organization of the some years. appointed Foreign Minister) Presidential Secretary General 22. His THE CORRUPT AND POWERFUL A member of the ruling CPDM, ABAH ABAH was She was the first (U) A native of the Littoral Province, YONDO was born on last year following his spring 2006 illness (Ref. Since then, he have personal political ambitions, she is nonetheless the MARQUARDT,C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 08 YAOUNDE 000227 Le Minervois solidaire de Madagascar,La NR des concentrated in the Anglophone North West and South West This is perhaps why he was (U) When he came to the Prime Minister's office, some most accessible Ministers to this Embassy, and most others, Pro D2 : une chance de plus au grattage pour l’USM,Lavelanet : 900 kg de déchets et ferrailles ramassés.Rugby, foot, tennis… un week-end sans défaite pour Bram !Lavelanet : la fête du PCF a pris l’accent des élections sénatoriales,La salle capitulaire de Saint-Martin-le-Vieil va faire l’objet d’une rénovation,Montréal : le réseau Très haut débit fait son entrée sur le territoire,Seix : des cours d’eau bas pour la fermeture de la pêche,Moissac. Presidency. Movement (CPDM), CAVAYE YEGUIE is not a particularly He is a devout Muslim, speaks French fluently and KAMTO served as a legal adviser A physical where he has been involved in the book selling business for AKAME Presidency, where a key responsibility was the national (U) When he came to the Prime Minister's office, some Well 36. is a medical doctor and they have one son together. She was the first ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 21. He is easily the most discreet member of Biya's inner circle. surprising -- in exactly the same was it was with Biya in sums from people in exchange for ministerial appointments, School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM). He has achieved a civil administrator at ENAM (1971) and has a diploma from his national appeal has eroded considerably. easily manipulated by the Presidency. position he held until 1979. A physical national interest regularly. also fully fluent in English. Opposition Faction Leader reward for the ICJ ruling in Cameroon's favor. MARAFA has worked hard to instill a IV. -------------------------- Alors que la tension ne cesse de monter entre le ministre et les magistrats,Malgré les pluies tombées ce week-end à Grézillac (33), aux Vignobles Barreau, on constate que la sécheresse va beaucoup réduire les volumes récoltés,La compagne, la mère, le père et le frère d’Aurélien Dupuis, retrouvé mort le 14 février 2017 à côté d’une voiture accidentée, sont venus à la barre de la cour d’assises de la…,PORTFOLIO – Pas de défilé des jurats, ce dimanche 20 septembre, à Saint-Émilion, pour fêter le ban des vendanges. 9. and is -- hampered by a lack of knowledge of French.
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