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Le phénomène mesure deux mètres, et sept centimètres de cheveux en pagaille. But one does not prevent the other: As everyone knows, to play really well, you have to know how to count! In 1957, he started in his father's orchestra, before joining Henri Renaud, where he already played drums and played with Zoot Sims. Eric Antoine Ramdanee worked in CCIF LTD, UBS CONSULTANCY LTD, VIPHAMPSHIRE LTD, LORA TRADING LTD, NGR SERVICES LTD as a Deployment manager, a … J’ai eu la chance de rencontrer sœur Emmanuelle à son retour du Caire. After 90 comments, 170 shares, 270 likes, we still can't get over the interest generated by our apprenticeship job offer! Il n’y a pas de recette miracle. Everything is a symbol... Caroline accompanied the Têtes Raides from 2007 to 2010, she played for Jeanne Cherhal, Daphné, Clarika, Annika and the Forest, Canine your life, Naive New Beaters, Yelli Yelli, Valephoer... Caroline is currently on stage with Pomme, the very young singer from Lyon, Album Revelation 2020 of the Victoires de la Musique. All this with an immense kindness, a great talent and a big smile (like on TV). What an emotion when the famous french artist Mathieu Chédid, alias -M- contacted us to create the drum kits for his "Lettre Infinie" tour… The idea? Vous devez être connecté pour publier un commentaire. More, It is impossible to summarize in a few lines the immensity of Dante Agostini and his great friendship with ASBA. Denis is a multi-faceted drummer. Le modèle Léna Simonne soutient le réseau @R_Entourage, félicitation pour cette belle initiative! Fortunately, he still has his wrists and feet available to play and teach the drums to the school's students! Native of Lyon, he even finds the tempo, among his 10,000 projects, to be a drummer on the pop and indie scene with his two bands, King Child and Atom. J’avais 14 ou 15 ans, mais je m’en souviens encore. According to his record company, he has sold more than 180 million records worldwide. Fred is also a cartoon artist, interior designer, furniture designer, and many other passions when his schedule allows him to do so... Erwan Pagis has 2 passions, not incompatible: wood and drums. They have two children. Guillaume starts playing drums at 7 years old, with the first pair of "Asba" sticks with the signature "Daniel Humair", marked in blue (if you have a pair, please let us know!). Mais pas seulement. His multiple talents are as much at work on our videos, the animation of our social networks as on the kits in the showroom. So we endorse Fabien Tournier, a very talented drummer from the Toulouse region. Expert in events and organization, Fanny is of all missions at Asba. The project was exciting, the challenge ambitious, and the right to make mistakes was just zero… The order was also accompanied by fully "Gold" hardware, which we had not anticipated when we manufactured our hardware in series. Dans son entièreté. « Je voulais être metteur en scène. Dans quelle église vous sentez-vous chez vous ? Composer, concert performer, percussion instrument maker, Gilles Dalbis devotes himself to improvised music. A beautiful tribute offered to Asba by Éric Serra Tosio, the drummer of the very talented and highly creative rock band Dionysos, on the visual of their concept album Bird'n'Roll. When we announced our comeback, some people thought it was a fakenews. Exactly 5 meters away, door to door (we checked)... We then thought that this young drummer was a real web geek, so we hired him! Did you say stainless? #RunTheWorld. Un jeu de cartes. List of companies where Eric Antoine Ramdanee was involved. All this with a really disconcerting ease. He learns the violin from the age of 9 years old but it is the drums that will make him known. Il ne s'est pas arrêté depuis. Impossible de rater ce géant drolatique qui monte qui monte qui monte. » Sa première, il la fera dans la rue, à Avignon, en 1998, avec « De la magie, de l'amour et du sexe ». It is to him that we owe a large part of our graphic charter. Bapt' is the best! Photo Credit ©Fanny Muzy. He has a great time in Senegal and on his famous blue-white-red drum set, René Guérin, the drummer of the Martin Circus! Just for the sake of it, without being asked, Chris gives us valuable marketing advice and even offers us translations of our texts into English... Chris is Magic! Whether it's 2 A.M. or a Sunday afternoon, Edouard is always there and we must admit it is very reassuring! Jean-Marc has Always been passionate about vintage and is the number 12 of the Scooter Club de Lyon, where he regularly rebuilds the engines of the old Vespa or Lambretta with a deconcerting, even irritating ease! What an honour... As creative as he is unclassifiable, Christian Vander (Zebëhn Straïn Dë Geustaah), the charismatic drummer and founder of Magma, gave its heyday to the Asba 100% metal kit. Moi je pense à la tristesse des salles de gériatrie. American jazz drummer and pianist born in Chicago in 1942, Jack DeJohnette played with the Coltrane Quintet and then the Charles Lloyd Quartet. When not hiking in the mountains or reproducing railway networks on a HO scale, our industrial designer Alexandre Lautsch designs, among other things, the monumental stainless steel staircase of the Musée des Confluences in Lyon and our fittings in 3D. Fred is an unclassifiable photographer and a Jack-of-all-trades. Moi-même. It must be admitted, women are still too little present in the world of drums. A Toulouse native with Mediterranean origins, Fabien started playing drums at the age of 5 encouraged by his father, a professional musician. Welcome Fabien! Among other notable innovations, he was responsible for the creation of the famous Caroline pedal, which was a worldwide success (the name pays tribute to his daughter). Pour L’1visible, Éric Antoine fait apparaître sa foi. J’ai encore quelques années pour continuer le voyage. Dom Harel. Ce magicien triomphe actuellement sur la scène du Palace, à Paris, dans Réalité ou illusion. So we are really delighted to welcome Caroline Geryl as the first female endrosed artist in the history of our brand! And so ours too! ), Tom was predestined to become a professional drummer. Open to the four winds, Guillaume moves freely between rock and trance music. Web developer, but not only. Waouh ! The Monks… totally crazy as we like it! And friends like this, they are counted on the fingers of one hand. (And sometimes even, extremely discreet...) We don't know if you have the chance to know even one of them. Jean-Pierre Prévotat, a very famous name on the French scene. An entrepreneur at heart, and after a meeting with Marc Périn (the little nephew of founder Alfred Boudard), Guillaume decides to relaunch the Asba brand, with the help of his old buddy Bruno. Especially since he has something to do with the return of the brand: Our founder started playing drums in 1977 with Asba signature chopsticks "Daniel Humair"! C’est la logique des voyages inversés. When Mik Prima from Auguri Productions called us for Raphael, we were far from ready to make our first kit. Un show de taille. He has accompanied Johnny Hallyday, Claude François, Antoine, Michel Pornareff, Daniel Balavoine, Nancy Holloway, Jean-Jacques Debout... And of course, a founding member of the mythical Triangle group. In 2003, admission to the Toulouse Conservatory. Il semblerait que @MichelAupetit vient de lancer une nouvelle mode, celle du casque! Erwan created the Feel Good recording studio, plays in the band The Soul Funk Soldiers and has recently trained as a carpenter. From Dolby Chadwick Gallery, Éric Antoine, d'amour et d'eau fraiche (2019), Ambrotype, 9 1/2 × 12 in Après le bac, il étudie le théâtre, à la fac d'abord puis dans des écoles de comédie. Producer, composer, star drummer at RTBF, sound engineer, founder of the Purple Sheep studio and more recently of the Pieuvre studio near Brussels, Jean is hyper-active and ultra-creative. He is a writer and actor, known for Éric Antoine: Mystéric (2012), Unnecessary Force (2014) and Fly by Knight (2011). It is also the reason why we spent so much time and energy working on our new kits... On the drummer's forum "La Drummerie", many people commented on this. But this is only the beginning, because in fact, Fanny's real desire is one day to work in the workshop. J’ai l’impression que, chez certains, la foi dépasse tout. Son âme aussi. A stroke of genius XXL! This great international jazz player has made a fantastic contribution to Asba, in terms of image, technical and artistic collaboration. A true living memory dedicated to the drums! Despite of all this, we said yes immediately of course! Coincidences have been part of our history since the relaunch of our beloved brand. It would take a huge website to match Christian Garros' size, one of the first to be endorsed by Asba, and above all a great signature for many models. Est-ce ce qui a donné l'envie au magicien humoriste à la tignasse en boule d'essayer d'en soulever une ? Happiness is simple between enthusiasts! Beaucoup d’artistes s’engagent auprès des enfants. This person's name is Bruno. Sans aucun doute : ce bébé dans le ventre de ma femme ! Do you want us to keep you updated about changes for this person?Please insert your email address: © company director check, CompanyDirectorCheck.com. Percussionist and drummer of Eddy Mitchell for many years, Jack Thomas was a fervent ambassador for the brand on the most famous stages. Pour trouver la paix, je passe par le chaos. ), c'est avec sa nouvelle caisse claire Révélation qu'il nous envoie son groove en pleine face. When Leo ordered a t-shirt from us over the internet, we found out a few days later that he lived right across the street from the workshop. Free company director check. Des soins pour la peau synchros avec nos règles, une bonne idée ? ), Philippe Nasse is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and a mine of very valuable information. Eric Antoine Ramdanee A little crazy too, no doubt. Jean-Yves lives in Niger where he makes solid silver jewellery for Hermès in his workshop. Yara Shahidi sera la première femme noire à jouer la fée Clochette. Adèle Haenel réagit à la nomination de Gérald Darmanin : "Une insulte", 5 conseils pour survivre à des parents toxiques, Pourquoi le cinéma féministe et "testostéroné" de Kathryn Bigelow nous fascine, "Je suis la charge", le court qui se moque de l'inégalité du partage des tâches, Elle a créé un réseau de couturières pour fabriquer des masques (et nous file son tuto), Le fils de Megan Fox adore porter des robes (et elle en est super fière), "Consommer des animaux mène à des crises comme celle du Covid-19", #VraieFemmeAfricaine, le hashtag qui se moque des injonctions faites aux Africaines. All in finesse and groove, the great Al Foster played on his ASBA with the greatest, including Miles Davis, from 1973 to 1991... To see, review and listen to by clicking here, with Sonny Rollins (* Thank you Nelson for the archive). We cannot reasonably talk about the history of drums in France without mentioning Philippe Lalite. But Don't worry, we eventually found a big flaw in him: He played 10 years in a blues band on a drum set… Capelle Turbo. Fashion photographer, he shoots the most beautiful models in the world for major brands of clothing or jewelry. 48. Brand founded by Simone et Alfred Boudard. This was announced by Jacques Chirac during his visit to Jacques Périn on the Asba booth at the Paris Music Fair in 1970 (he was not yet Mayor of Paris or President of the Republic, but held a post of minister under the government of Pompidou). (Here with Yves Giraud, Les Fatals Picards). In the 1930s, Josephine Baker set up her new revue for the famous Moulin Rouge Cabaret in Paris. Drummer to Military Parachutist Music for 10 years, he then becomes a professional drummer. List of companies where Eric Antoine Ramdanee was involved. But he was also an excellent drummer and percussionist! " La petite Vierge noire à Rocamadour. MR ERIC ANTOINE RAMDANEE Ours is called Adrien, he comes from Nancy and, in addition to ticking all the boxes, has a degree in computer development, which is always useful nowadays! « Un rêve de gosse », reconnaît-il. Terrorisme : deux blessés graves devant l’ancienne…, Michael Lonsdale : L’acteur mystère repose en…, L’ÉDUCATION AFFECTIVE ET SEXUELLE : POUR BIEN…, L’ESTIME DE SOI, UNE ALLIÉE INDISPENSABLE, Jean-Yves : « INTÉRIEUREMENT, J’AI HURLÉ VERS…, ISABELLE SOIBINET, ADMINISTRATRICE DE DÉLIRES DE CRÉATRICES, Père Bernard Devert, Président-fondateur d’Habitat et Humanisme, MGR GEORGES COLOMB, DIRECTEUR DES ŒUVRES PONTIFICALES…, FLORENT CHAVETON, DIRECTEUR ADJOINT DE L’INSTITUT KAROL…. Votre recette ? Nationality: BRITISH, 09 April 2014 - 28 January 2020 We've seen big names play with this pedal that has become mythical: Mitch Mitchell, Joe Porcaro, John JR Robinson... to name but a few. En Dieu surtout. Drummer of Sinatra and Madonna (among others), father of the Porcaro Brothers, founders of Toto.... Joe is what you could call a genuine giant in drums. It cannot be repeated often enough: Do not leave anything in your children's hands! They had captivated us with their electro rock sound as the opening act for the band "L'Impératrice" Under the same label… We are delighted to be partners with the band "Pépite" (nugget in English…) with whom we are touring for many dates in France and Belgium! C’est absolument merveilleux. Ringo, Beatles star drummer, has never hidden his love for Ludwig. Le président Trump désigne une juge catholique…. Ã?a faisait sérieux. When he doesn't go to Rio, de Janeiro, Claude François jumps over his Asba drum set at the end of his concerts. It's normal, when you have a Simone in your heart, it creates bonds! A friend, a real one, what! Après le succès de son premier one-man-show, « Mystéric », il revient aujourd'hui pour presque un mois à l'Olympia avec un show encore plus ambitieux, « Magic Delirium ». J’aimerais que les gens se regardent et s’écoutent. They are real works of art, handcrafted and chiselled. "My new and very beautiful girlfriend for the next few years, her name is Simone from ASBA, the famous French brand of the 70's which is now being reborn in Lyon, thanks to Guillaume Pornet and his team for a careful and beautiful French manufacture. Thanks to Mik and Raphaël for their patience and trust. It owes its name to one of Daniel's daughters, respecting the ASBA tradition of naming a new model after a female first name. Our teasing film for Bagshow 2017.... And our welcome video on the site with "Tootie" playing on Asba with Sonny Rollins. Watch Queue Queue These people are necessarily unique, absolutely precious, undeniably daring, totally passionate, always caring. Une taille qui fait qu'il en impose dès qu'il rentre dans une pièce et dont il préfère rire aujourd'hui, même si cela n'a pas toujours été simple par le passé, notamment durant l'adolescence où il a souffert d'une très importante crise de croissance : " Pendant deux ans, par intermittence, j'étais obligé de rester allongé. Founder of Kaïzoku Photography, Annabelle has specialized over the years in concert photography, and more particularly drummers. Un surnom qui colle très bien au caractère pas comme les autres de ce magicien fou. Guy Too will be on Millennium Art Music's "The Rock Knights" tour, first date at La Cigale. Join Facebook to connect with Eric Antoine and others you may know. C’est un peu une église d’artistes. In the USA, it was even Ludwig who distributed it exclusively! Découvrez son age, sa taille, date de naissance, signe du zodiaque, chinois, … Et ses comptes sur les réseaux sociaux : Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram. Here, we would like to pay tribute to the great names in the history of music, but also to all those who, from yesterday to today, contribute to the influence of the Maison Asba throughout the world and over the years. Ours is called Eric. It's a real pleasure to work with Seb because of his talent which is expressed on our kits as well as his unfailing smile. Author of hilarious Morning Sketches that he publishes daily on social networks, Rodolphe is also a talented graffiti artist who makes superb graphics on the walls of Paris, Lyon and elsewhere, such as at Asba workshop for example. A huge "Jazz hard bop" player, nicknamed "Tootie" by his friends, Albert Heath played on Asba to accompany real legends. Come on, we forgive him ;-). Il faut vraiment voir sur scène ce prestidigitateur qui titille les neurones de son public hilare. Étonnante de vie, d’abnégation. Author, test person and drummer… Mickael is part of our friendly team of experts who regularly test our kits. Une retraite à l’abbaye de la Trappe. He was the one who, for example, provided the demos on our BagShow 2017 booth at the Moulin Rouge in Paris and who informed the many visitors. In every team, you need a geek. Others imagined that it was only going to be one more marketing move surfing on the vintage trend. ... Votre pointure ? Fortunately, in the meantime, we had set up our workshop, had our parts manufactured, developed our drums, our ranges, everything and so on. Between the 1940s and 1960s, Armand Molinetti played in the big bands of Alix Combelle and Jacques Hélian during the occupation. J’aimerais œuvrer là. don't tell her, she's modest too!). -You know, I really like what you do! À 13 ans, j’ai été longuement alité à cause d’une crise subite de croissance. “RT si vous aussi vous passez une soirée de DINGUE avec la finale de #LFAUIT en direct sur @M6 ” When Benoit Mercusot comes out of his lines of code, it's because he is pinching the strings of his guitar. La possibilité d’entrer dans une église. The desire to pass on his knowledge and his passion pushes him to create "l'Atelier Du Rythme" on YouTube. En terme de magie, on ne peut guère aller plus loin que ça…. "Last Train is the best thing that happened to French rock since Noir Désir." That's how the greatest drummers of the planet fell in love with the incredible technical progress of this extraordinary pedal that was already shaking up all the standards of the time. The Titanic group (Do not be superstitious) was formed in 1969 in Oslo. Eric Antoine Ramdanee worked as a Director (DEPLOYMENT MANAGER) in VIPHAMPSHIRE LTD, Company address: VIPHAMPSHIRE LTDFORTIS HOUSE, 160 LONDON ROAD, BARKING, ESSEX, IG11 8BB, 10 January 2011 - 20 May 2018 René Nan began his career in post-war Paris where he played with the greatest American artists who had come to experience jazz-sur-Seine (Dexter Gordon, Kenny Clark, Art Simmons...) and the greatest French jazzmen of the 50's such as Guy Lafitte or Django Reinhardt. Son of the famous jazz musician Alix Combelle, Philippe first learned the piano, then the tenor saxophone and the double bass before discovering the drums. UK Company Directors Reports, Free Company Director Check, Company Director Search. « A l'adolescence, mon corps ne me convenait pas. An email, a phone call, a meeting, a beer, graphic projects and a friendship was born. The backstage Paris. To help beginners and experienced drummers to have fun, develop and expand their knowledge. Bruno began playing drums at the age of 6. Vous recevrez ainsi chaque mois L’1visible gratuitement dans votre boîte mail, Comment aimeriez-vous mourir ? Nous sommes tous liés en humanité. C’est ça que j’exhibe. a Deployment manager, a Director, a Project manager, an It consultant. Fanny, it's our feminine touch in our team of hairy, bearded, tattooed guys. National and international tours, studio recordings and TV and radio performances follow. I personally started my drumming career on ASBA in 1970 and almost 50 years later again behind these drums, it's just incredible". Eric Antoine Ramdanee worked as a Director in NGR SERVICES LTD, Company address: NGR SERVICES LTD13 THURLESTONE AVENUE, ILFORD, ESSEX, UNITED KINGDOM, IG3 9DS. (Here with Aaron Spears ©Photo Annabelle Chevallier - Kaizoku Photography). A long friendship has linked ASBA to Marcel Blanche, a student of the Dante Agostini school and drummer of Sacha Distel, Jacques Martin at the Folies Bergères Cabaret in Paris... A legend! This was just before the start of Arthur H's "Amour Chien Fou" tour and Raphaël, the drummer of the tour, absolutely wanted to play on one of the new ASBA kits. Our comeback was a big challenge after more than thirty years of absence and to be honest, our stress level was quite high. All our instruments are made in our workshop in Lyon. Il découvre à 13 ans le magasin d'accessoires de magie Mayette dans le Ve arrondissement de Paris. Marc Périn's is one of them (on the left in the photo, with Steve Gadd). 2006, 1st prize for drums, mention Very Good and congratulations from the jury. Heureux papa de deux enfants (Raphaël et Ulysse), Eric Antoine s'amuse beaucoup des questions autour de leur taille et n'hésite plus à en rire ouvertement : " Le premier, il a 4 ans, il peut te manger! A very recent one: in the week of the release of our Simone model, the opening of the Comptoir Simone, 300 metres from the factory! Le Cantique des Cantiques. He learned to 'Keep It Simple', to drum for the song and not for the ego - distinguished by a big, boomin’ sound! At 8 years old, first concert and registration at the Dante Agostini school in Toulouse. L'1visible est édité par Prodeo SAS - 89, boulevard Auguste Blanqui - 75013 Paris - Tél. La personne à qui vous pensez tout le temps ? C’est une question sans fin. In the first ASBA return supports, Thomas Millo, the founder of the first brand of T-shirts dedicated to drummers, RLRRLRLL. Avec Last Train, notre cœur bat la chamade à la vitesse d'un TGV. At that time, the band includes guitarist Janne Løseth, bassist Kenny Aas, drummer John Lorck, and percussionist Kjell Asperud. Un moine extraordinaire qui avait fait les quatre cents coups ! Jean-Marc, leader and guitarist of the STUD, gave us a big hand. 13 THURLESTONE AVENUE, ILFORD He continues to get a big drum sound and play solid, tight rock 'n roll - with his new ASBA kit Révélation, Alice Copper finish... His first name is not the diminutive of Thomas (! De m’asseoir là et de réfléchir. With more than 250 concerts to their credit worldwide, Last Train is one of the great musical slaps in the face in recent years. J’ai trente trois ans, je suis jeune. Gilles has always been passionate about the brand, and it was Gilles who took over the website animation, created by Andy Youel in tribute to Asba. Retrouvez quelle est la taille de Eric Antoine ainsi que d’autres informations sur sa fiche signalétique. Chauvins the Londoners? We never get tired of it! Manager of the Roll & Swing exhibition and author of the eponymous book retracing the history of drums in France (a great gift idea! More, After studying accordion and drums, Roger Paraboshi began his professional career in 1945. Between 1940 and 1970, Arthur Motta played in the most famous big bands of the time: Claude Bolling, Hubert Rostaing, Raymond Lefèvre... A member of the Hot Club de France Quintet, this particularly versatile drummer was a great star of his time and worked extensively in popular recording studios and with all the big stars. Si vous étiez un roi mage, qu’apporteriez-vous à l’enfant Jésus ? Fiche de la star, célébrité ⭐ Eric Antoine - Cinéma / Théatre : Humoriste homme. "Marylène, tu es ma reine Marylène, tu me fais be-bop dans la tête, be-bop dans le coeur, oh Marylène ma ma ma ma-ry-lène, je cherchais une reine pour aller danser, j'ai vu Marylène, alors je l'ai invitée, oh Marylène ma ma, ma Ma-ry-lène…" (Lyrics and Music Gérard Blanc, Martin Circus). Antoine De Wilde, ambassadeur Mizuno, vous délivre quelques conseils afin de bien choisir votre paire de running! What we like about Seb is his crazy side. "Finally a French material of international class" can be read on his dedication... Make Asba great again! Passionate about the Asba brand for a very long time, he regularly shares pictures of the treasures in his collection on the "Asba Owners" page. We didn't know him and yet he worked hard to find us a room in 48 hours to make our videos just before the BagShow 2017. » Il décide alors de mettre un peu de magie dans sa vie. Eric Delorme. 1: music, for which he has devoted his life since the age of 6 (guitar, drums, piano, double bass and bass, music school, conservatory, musicology college, specialized master's degree in contemporary music...); 2: The Doors, on which he wrote a book prefaced by Philippe Manœuvre (still available in good bookstores); 3: social networks, which he animates especially for Asba (here with John Densmore, The Doors drummer, at the book’s launch). Du haut de ses 2,07 mètres, le magicien fou Eric Antoine est un habitué de l'éternelle question "Mais tu fais quelle taille toi ?". Le public se rue sur son « Magic Delirium », actuellement à l'Olympia. Among them, "Soft" (he will recognize himself) has challenged us by his elegant and well-soaked writing. Active for seven decades, Elvin Jones has worked with many musicians as a sidemen but also as a leader of his own bands. Top seller of the Baguetterie Paris shop for many years and presenter of the BagShow great years, Franck Drouillac has been with us since the beginning of the ASBA return adventure. Eric Antoine a tout d'un grand Le comique magicien a fait de sa grande taille, qui le complexait enfant, un atout sur scène. Découvrez également son âge et où il est né (Rubriques 2m07, Hommes, Humoristes) Adrien is one of the many candidates who showed up after the publication of our recruitment ad on FaceBook. With Pat and Baptiste, the bosses of the establishment, we immediately became friends. Stubborn perfectionist at heart (which is also why we love him), he is now the brand's Technical Director. Renseignez votre adresse email ci-dessous In the drum's world, the key to friendship resides around a strong cercle of varying size, which is measured in inches. Unsuspected imitator talents, a gift for the guitar to be confirmed, a bad temper, but a heart as big as the planet he has always traveled to in search of beautiful images to shoot. ». Un spectacle total et festif dont les spectateurs ressortiraient traversés d’une vibration de bonheur et de vie. Je ferai sortir un lapin et un œuf en chocolat de mon chapeau ! And why not! « J'ai toujours eu envie de faire du spectacle », confie-t-il. Thanks to them, with them, ASBA accompanies Arthur H during his tour at the Olympia and all over France! He is a stage and studio musician (Rosedale, Aziz Sahmaoui & University of Gnawa, Grand Media Blackout...), but also an experienced teacher! Since the beginning of the project, it is precisely this will that has driven us! So thank you to Soft and all those who are making us progress with their kind and constructive comments. Un télescope pour regarder les étoiles. D’une grande douceur. En l’excitant un max. Even if things are changing a little bit on this side, you have to admit, there are not a lot of girls in the drum world. Il y a saint Expedit à qui je parle affaires de temps en temps. He has real treasures in his collections, the result of a life of assiduous research. This video is unavailable. Un conseil : évitez de vous placer au premier rang… Thanks to them, many fans around the world have been able to share, document and feed an impressive archive collection. Those of Status Quo did not hesitate to cross the Channel to get some Frenchy ASBA kits in the 70s. At the age of 6, he already plays on an ASBA and starts drum lessons. It is to him that we owe our very first website developed in a hurry the day before the BagShow 2017! After numerous artistic collaborations with bands such as JFK, Joseph d'Anvers, Elliott Murphy or Superbus, Tom joined the tourbus of l'Impératrice on the highway of an international success (Europe, USA, Canada...) with his Left Bank ASBA drums as his baggage. But when it came to recording percussion on the title "A day in a life" for example, in the studios of 3 Abbey Road, he choosed the sound of the mythical ASBA two-colored congas, made in France! Sans perdre la boule… Encore une illusion ! Redesign the ASBA "Design Sound" model from the 70's, entirely in transparent acrylic. That's what Mik did. Edouard, we love you! Etre magicien n'est pas la seule particularité d'Eric Antoine qui peut aussi se vanter de mesure 2,07 mètres. When we first met Jean at the factory, he was with Daniel Romeo, a huge bass player (and also drummer), with whom he now shares the musical direction of The Voice in Belgium. Elle lui vient de l’enfance, d’une mère « très croyante ». One day, Jean-Yves offered us the representation of our logo on a silver plate, like that, for the pleasure of encouraging us in our project. This bass drum pedal, invented in the late 60's - early 70's in collaboration with Daniel Humair has indeed marked "not only the history of the brand, but above all the world of drums, no more and no less. via YouTube Capture. Behind all this is the legitimate concern about whether this comeback would live up to the reputation. 01 58 10 75 17, Vous aimez lire Toute l'équipe chante et danse rien que pour vous ! #Friend. The selection was difficult, we had a lot of great applications. When he doesn't do it officially for Batteur Magazine, the french magazine dedicated to drummers, he does it for his own pleasure. Encouragé par sa mère, il va faire ses premiers petits tours pour la famille. Not so much. Et les réservations ont démarré sur les chapeaux de roue... Une consécration pour ce père de famille de 38 ans, calme à la ville, mais qui cultive sur scène un look de savant fou et déploie une énergie hors du commun. It is a great pride for us to see his name linked to ours.

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