Mai 1966 französisch Léopoldville – Kurzform Léoville, niederländisch Leopoldstad) ist die Hauptstadt der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. The school offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma. Erwähnenswert sind auch der Fischereihafen Kinkole und die Pagoden in den Gärten des Präsidentenpalastes in Nsele. Our web site concept is based on our conviction that to see us in action and in our setting through photos is the best way for you to understand our identity. Children are given opportunities to explore, experiment, and discover with hands-on materials. 21/Aug/20 – ASM Community Essential School Opening Information. Tanganyika | Die Stadt hat über 11,6 Millionen Einwohner (2015)[1][2] und ist damit hinter Kairo und Lagos die drittgrößte Afrikas. You will always receive a response. Middle School French stude, ASM students are representing India at the 2020 TH, What else can you do with vegetables besides eat t, We are honored to have Sam Dressel, singer, teache, MS. Rick´s Grade 9 Geometry students studied the, Instagram post 2228371110591343198_1909348501, This error message is only visible to WordPress admins, ASM Community Essential School Opening Information. A growing collection of ebooks is also available. The IBM strategic repository for digital assets such as images and videos is located at SITE COLLÈGE ET LYCÉE Av. 5 visitors have checked in at École Franco-Américaine de Miami - EFAM. Each child is appreciated and accepted at the level of their own maturity and ability. Our programme is founded on the belief that every person is born with a sense of pleasure in exploration and a spirit of delight in discovery through play, and that the best learning occurs when children feel that they are known, that their ideas are heard, their hopes are honoured, and their perceptions are validated. In depth text information is instantly available through links. The TASOK Libraries contains approximately 15,000 volumes, as well as subscriptions to numerous magazines/periodicals and online databases. Kinshasa gehört zu den am schnellsten wachsenden Großstädten der Welt. Our vision is visible in our commitment to excellence, integrity and inclusivity, on campus and outside our perimeter, here in the heart of Africa. Founded in 1961, TASOK has been based on our current 42 acres of forest and garden since 1966. Verbreitet sind Misswirtschaft und Korruption. American Language Institute is a program of Accel Academies of Congo ASBL, © Copyright 2017 - 2020 Accel Academies of Congo asbl. Administrativ war die Universität Lovanium an die Katholische Universität Löwen angegliedert. Le lycée français René-Descartes (LFRD) de Kinshasa est un établissement scolaire français à l’étranger situé en République démocratique du Congo qui réunit deux cycle d’enseignement : primaire et secondaire. Auf dem Gelände der Akademie sind zahlreiche Skulpturen ausgestellt. Hours. You will always receive a response. Each child is appreciated and accepted at the level of their own maturity and ability. Your initial exploration is mainly visual, photos of all aspects of our school. In collaboration with many American Schools around the world and specifically in Africa, TASOK’s Guide to Reopening contains the return to school directives necessary for the safety of our students and staff. The curriculum is that of the United States with emphasis in the higher grades upon preparing students for college. Ituri | de National Geographic Learning, pour la première fois en RD Congo. 1898 wurde die Eisenbahn zur Küstenstadt Matadi fertiggestellt. Die wärmsten Monate sind März und April mit durchschnittlich 26,7 bis 26,8 Grad Celsius, der kälteste der Juli mit 22,0 Grad Celsius im Mittel. Verkehrs- und Handelssprache der Bevölkerung ist Lingala. Seulement à American Language Institute. 2005 standen dazu zwei altersschwache Züge zur Verfügung, welche auf den ersten beiden Linien je vier Kurse pro Tag fuhren. Kwango | Un incendie s’est déclaré jeudi 29 septembre 2016 dans un local de l’école américaine Tasok en face du camp militaire Tshatshi dans la Commune de Ngaliema, dans l’Ouest de Kinshasa. TASOK High School students are bright, kind, engaging, and active. Er wurde französischer und spanischer Fußballmeister und gewann 2002 mit Real Madrid die Champions League. After School Activities are offered at TASOK on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays after school from 3:15 – 4:15 PM, as well as Saturday mornings. Le coût des livres est inclus dans. Children are given opportunities to explore, experiment, and discover with hands-on materials. Books on the SAT-recommended reading list, AP, and SAT prep materials are also available. Comme toujours, toutes les classes ALI incluent un dialogue quotidien avec les enseignants américains. The purpose of The American School of Kinshasa’s After School Activities (ASA) program is to provide all students with a wide range of opportunities to be involved in school-sponsored activities outside of the school day. Children are given the opportunities to develop, grow, and learn in a non-competitive climate of genuine affection and warmth, in their own time and in their own unique way. Apprenez l'anglais tout en explorant le monde avec le programme d'ALI, ", " de National Geographic et Cengage. Mongala | Books on the SAT-recommended reading list, AP, and SAT prep materials are also available. Madrid 28080 Die Stadt ist Sitz der kongolesischen Regierung, des Parlaments, aller staatlichen Zentralbehörden sowie zahlreicher diplomatischer Vertretungen. On a eu plus de peur de que mal« , a réagi un responsable de cette école à, se refusant « tout commentaire« . ALI introduit Life de National Geographic Learning, pour la première fois en RD Congo.. Life comprend six niveaux d'anglais de l'élémentaire à avancé, plus un livre "Get Started" pour les vrais débutants. Haut-Lomami | NOS CLASSES. Click here to request Getty Images Premium Access through IBM Creative Design Services. Students are encouraged to pursue their own interests with a wide variety of current age-appropriate literature. Expecting extraordinary learning for and from every student, is a real world experience, with risk and failure, self-reflection, and choice, requires pushing through challenges & perceived limits, is facilitated by skillful, caring teachers, requires students to actively own their own learning, takes place within a positive, supportive school community. Our outreach into the greater Kinshasa community is permanent and robust. Die Gebäude der Universität befinden sich in einer rechteckigen Anlage nahe einem Hang, auf dem eine Kapelle steht. In collaboration with many American Schools around the world and specifically in Africa, TASOK’s Guide to Reopening contains the return to school directives necessary for the safety of our students and staff. Der „Kampf im Dschungel“ war ein historischer Boxkampf, der am 30. Il y aura pour chaque étudiant un livre d'étudiant et un livre d'exercices remplis de photos colorées et de sujets intéressants du personnel de renommée mondiale de National Geographic Society. Personen und Güter werden von dort zum Hafen von Matadi am Atlantischen Ozean weitertransportiert. Apprenez l'anglais tout en explorant le monde avec le programme d'ALI, "Life" de National Geographic et Cengage. Our programme is founded on the belief that every person is born with a sense of pleasure in exploration and a spirit of delight in discovery through play, and that the best learning occurs when children feel that they are known, that their ideas are heard, their hopes are honoured, and their perceptions are validated. Équateur | Outdoor PE facilities include 2 tennis courts, all-purpose weather track; a turf soccer field; a new (2018) multipurpose field for baseball and other sports including changing rooms and a concessions stand. Bedeutend sind auch noch die Ölraffinerien sowie die Herstellung von Zement und Schwefelsäure. Einer der im Ausland bekanntesten kongolesischen Sportler ist der in Kinshasa geborene Claude Makélélé. Our basic philosophy is that children learn best by doing. TASOK High School students are bright, kind, engaging, and active. Zentrale Verkehrsachse Boulevard du 30 juin (Mai 2010). Please read about our clubs and activities to see more about this trimester’s offerings and to get involved! This repository is populated with tens of thousands of assets and should be your first stop for asset selection. BONNE RENTRÉE ! Das Diplomatenviertel liegt im Stadtteil Gombe. ASM is an IB world school with an accredited IB diploma program. Their discovery is concrete and is based upon their own experiences. Kinshasa [kɪnˈʃaːza, französisch kinʃaˈsa] (bis 3. TASOK aligns our mission with the IB Programme, encouraging both personal and academic achievement, challenging students to excel in their studies and in their personal development. Vor der Unabhängigkeit bestand Léopoldville aus einer Europäerstadt und einer Afrikanerstadt (Quartier Indigène), wobei die Bewohner des einen Teils den anderen nach 21 Uhr abends nicht ohne Sonderausweis betreten durften. Participation in After School Activities allows TASOK students the freedom to go beyond the classroom to discover new and unique activities that interest them, and offers faculty and staff the opportunity to impart skills and expertise to our students. Il y aura pour chaque étudiant un livre d'étudiant et un livre d'exercices remplis de photos colorées et de sujets intéressants du personnel de renommée mondiale de National Geographic Society. Bei besonderen Spielen (z. 1945 wurde die Einwohnerzahl auf 100.000 geschätzt. Auf dem Gelände stehen Flugzeugwracks. We endeavor to include popular literature, award winners, graphic novels, classics, and a core collection of non-fiction titles to support the curriculum. Apprenez l'anglais en explorant le monde ! Davon hat allein die im Osten gelegene ländlich geprägte Kommune Maluku mit 7.948,8 Quadratkilometern einen Anteil von rund 80 Prozent. A étudié à École latino-américaine Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo 0 connections. |, It's a tradition to celebrate 100 days of school i, The purpose of Informational Writing is to teach o, "Take the Power Back" presented to Middle and Uppe, Parent Teacher Conference Day brings students, par, Instagram post 2242206824462293977_1909348501, These talented ASM musicians spent four at the Wes, Comme c'est délicieux! Location : The American School of KinshasaRte de Matadi, Ngaliema Kinshasa II, République Démocratique du Congo. TASOK believes that participation in After School Activities is an integral component of holistic student development. Kasaï-Oriental | Nach der Machtergreifung 1965 von Mobutu Sese Seko wurde Léopoldville 1966 umbenannt nach dem Namen eines ehemaligen Dorfes Kinshasa, das im Stadtgebiet lag. Haut-Katanga | We foster a student body that identifies as part of an evolving world community and endeavor to authentically connect students to our host country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. École latino-américaine Doctorat généraliste . Am Morgen des 30. Platz unter 231 untersuchten Städten weltweit.[6]. Kinshasa (Hauptstadtdistrikt), Dieser Artikel oder nachfolgende Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit, Nationalmuseum der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Musik in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, École d’Informatique d’Électronique et d’Expertise comptable, Vorlage:Toter Link/, Chimp to Man to History Books: The Path of AIDS, Provinzen der Demokratischen Republik Kongo,, Provinz in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. The collection includes materials in English, French and Spanish. The facilities were inaugurated in 1967 and currently include four main buildings; a lower school building which includes classrooms as well as a Lower School Learning Commons-Library, a Lower School science lab, a full gymnasium and a playground, a Middle and Upper school with Learning Commons and cafeteria renovated in 2016, a Center for the Arts that houses 3 art classrooms, 3 music classrooms, 1 drama classroom, a 600-seat auditorium and a large multipurpose room. Pinnwände sind ideal zum Speichern von Bildern und Videoclips. Don’t hesitate to contact us at if you have a particular need. I invite you to explore teaching and learning at TASOK. We foster a student body that identifies as part of an evolving world community and endeavor to authentically connect students to our host country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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