Continuer sur la route. On atteint les ruines de Cabanes Vieilles et le char Stuart. Le massif de l’Authion est un point stratégique important de l’avancée de Nice, face à la frontière italienne.Il se situe à la tête des vallées de la Vésubie et de la Bévéra. Au sommet du col de Turini se trouve la petite station de ski familiale de Camp d'argent, en haut se trouve le massif de L'authion. It was a small but substantial fort with a surrounding stockade of stout piles and with bastions at each of the four stockade corners. Continuer sur la crête jusqu'au Fort de la Forca. fort de translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'château fort',forêt',for',fortin', examples, definition, conjugation Fort de Cavagnial was one of the westernmost of the early trading posts established by the French. This impressive construction is usually known as the fort de l'Authion?.From here pass the blockhouses [410] to visit the subterranean fort de la Forca?.Descend a military road on the south-west flanc of the hill to climb to its twin fortress de la Mille Fourches?.. Check Brain-sur-l'Authion hotel prices Tonight Sep 6 - Sep 7 Check prices in Brain-sur-l'Authion for tonight, Sep 6 - Sep 7 Tomorrow night Sep 7 - Sep 8 Check prices in Brain-sur-l'Authion for tomorrow night, Sep 7 - Sep 8 Next weekend Sep 11 - Sep 13 Check prices in Brain-sur-l'Authion for next weekend, Sep 11 - Sep 13 The descent is back to point 1793 meters, the road is one-way so be careful about on-coming traffic. Webman06 | all galleries >> Galleries >> Promenade au Fort de l'Authion > l'Authion avant l'hiver -3861 previous | next: 29-Nov-2020: Philippe Rouah: l'Authion avant l'hiver -3861 Mercantour, France . Built in 1897 as part of the Séré de Rivières system, it was one the first French forts to be constructed of reinforced concrete.Situated at an altitude of 2080 metres at the highest summit of the Authion massif, it was intended to defend the Franco-Italian border. Hiking Trails. 16 Reviews #99 of 203 things to do in Nice. Juste après la balise 150, visiter les ruines. Thank you for your visits and if you wish to use a photo, contact me at Randonnée dans le massif de l'authion, lieu de bataille lors de la seconde guerre mondiale. Départ : Baisse de Tueis Prendre à droite la RD68 (dans le sens de circulation des voitures). The original hill top fort dates back to to the 13th century and subsequent invasions from Sardinians, Austrians and Spanish amongst others. The Battle of Authion was a military engagement that took place towards the end of World War II, shortly before the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945. Units of the French Army were sent to the French Alps to clear an important route from central France to Italy.A critical choke point was the 2,080 metre (6,820 feet) high Authion massif, held by determined but weakened German and Italian forces. Puis prendre le chemin en crête. Haut lieu de batailles militaires depuis la fin du 18ème siècle (à l'époque du comté de Nice), lieux stratégique de la défense de la frontière franco-italienne avant et pendant la première guerre mondiale. ... FORT de ROCHE la CROIX - commune de Meyronnes - Duration: 8:47. Le Circuit de L'Authion. The remains of the fortifications visible today, was a probably the first to consist of reinforced concrete in 1887. The Redoute des Trois Communes is a French fort, located in the commune of Saorge, Alpes-Maritimes..
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