Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Carl Girouard. Quebec City stabbing suspect chose victims at random, police say A 24-year-old man named Carl Girouard was arrested in Quebec City after a … On the night of Halloween 2020, at about 10:30 p.m. local time, a man dressed in a medieval costume carried out a mass stabbing in Quebec City, attacking people with a katana-style saber near the provincial legislature, the National Assembly of Quebec. 34.5k members in the masskillers community. Il a été accusé de deux meurtres au premier degré et de cinq tentatives de meurtre commis samedi soir dans le Vieux-Québec. A subreddit centered on the phenomenon of mass murder and the perpetrators who … Carl Girouard is a 24-year-old Montreal man who was identified as two dead and at least five injured in random sword attacks in Quebec City, Canada, according to a report by Le Journal de Quebec. Incident. Police said at a press conference that the suspect was wearing medieval clothes and was armed with a Japanese-style katana sword. Carl Girouard Des images captées à 22 h 22 sur la rue du Trésor montrent Carl Girouard parcourir la petite allée au pas de course, en joggant. QUÉBEC — L'accusé dans l'attaque au sabre du Vieux-Québec, Carl Girouard, est présumé sain d'esprit jusqu'à preuve du contraire, a rappelé jeudi le procureur de la Couronne affecté au dossier, Me François Godin. Carl Girouard, 24 ans, a comparu devant la cour peu avant 16h dimanche à partir de la centrale de police du Parc Victoria. 546 votes, 221 comments. Carl Girouard pourrait être accusé de meurtres et tentatives de meurtres prémédités : « Je pense qu'il faut tirer la conclusion que c'était prémédité. Girouard appeared in front of a judge via video conference on Sunday afternoon and is slated to be back in court on Thursday. Quelqu'un qui se déguise, qui possède une arme blanche et choisit des victimes au hasard, je pense que c'était planifié », a expliqué Robert Pigeon. Girouard appeared before a … Carl Girouard, 24, appeared in a Quebec City courtroom by video link from the detention centre where he's been held since the weekend attacks that left two dead and five injured. Carl Girouard has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder and five counts of attempted murder in relation to the attack, according to the Quebec Crown prosecutor's office. Quebec’s prosecutor’s office said Carl Girouard, 24, faces two counts of first-degree murder and five counts of attempted murder. A suspect, 24-year-old Carl Girouard, has been arrested.
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