Acciona Trasmediterránea operate the new AT Ferries passenger car ferry line between Bilbao and Portsmouth. Pour recevoir les informations et promotions sur les ferries, renseignez votre Email.Billet de ferry vers le Maroc: comparez les tarifs et les horaires des différentes compagnies de ferry.Trasmediterranea PROMOTIONS tarifs réservations.Trasmediterranea assure les traversées ferry entre l'Espagne et l'Afrique, les îles Baléares et les îles Canaries.Trasmediterranea propose 2 traversées de l’Espagne vers le Maroc:Donnez votre avis, notez votre compagnie de Ferry:différentes compagnies de ferry vers le Maroc. Réservez votre ferry Trasmediterránea. Nos Promotions Almeria-Ghazaouet. Please Note: Due to continuing operational reasons that could not be solved in the medium term, we regret to inform you that Acciona Trasmediterranea will be cancelling all scheduled sailings between Portsmouth and Bilbao. The award, received today by the President of ACCIONA, José Manuel Entrecanales from His Royal Highness Prince Felipe, is in recognition of the development of a product that, as expressed by the terms of these Prizes, represents "a major contribution to sustainable development".The Jury's verdict states that the award has been given to ACCIONA Energía because its biodiesel is "a sustainable product which benefits society by creating employment in rural areas, for its knock-on effect and for its contribution to reaching environmental objectives".With up to three sailings per week from Portsmouth to Bilbao AT Ferries provide fast, convenient and economical travel to Spain from the UK.Book and compare AT Ferries ticket prices to Spain from the UK online in advance to enjoy special offers exclusive to,AT FERRIES ONLINE FERRY TICKET SALES AND RESERVATIONS AGENT,AT Ferries Portsmouth to Bilbao Ferry Ticket Sales and Reservations.Due to continuing operational reasons that could not be solved in the medium term, we regret to inform you that Acciona Trasmediterranea will be cancelling all scheduled sailings between Portsmouth and Bilbao.Self Service with capacity for 256 people, where a wide range of dishes and a daily menu can be chosen from.In the Café-Pub a wide range of coffees and cocktails are served.Crèche with entertainment and children's videos.The "Drivers Club" has a self service/bar with a daily menu and television/video screen and video games.Accommodation in Tourist class cabin; and in Club class with telephone, free daily press and television with Canal Satélite Digital, as well as free use of the gymnasium and sauna.Swimming pool open all year round for adults and children - in winter covered heated pool with soft water -. Trasmediterranea PROMOTIONS tarifs réservations Acciona Trasmediterranea Ferries possède une des flottes les plus modernes et les mieux équipées d’Europe, avec les dernières avancées technologiques en termes de sécurité, de qualité et de services à bord. Acciona Trasmediterránea operate the new AT Ferries passenger car ferry line between Bilbao and Portsmouth. Almeria Ghazaouet . It was recently fitted with advanced propellers that drastically reduce energy consumption and air pollution. Ferry Trasmediterranea Maroc PROMOTIONS billet ferry pas cher réservez votre ferry traversée Trasmediterranea vers le Maroc au meilleur prix Reserva tu ferry con Trasmediterránea. Ferry Trasmediterranea Maroc PROMOTIONS billet ferry pas cher réservez votre ferry traversée Trasmediterranea vers le Maroc au meilleur prix Nous pouvons vous envoyer votre billet par courrier pour les clients qui le souhaitent.Le prix du billet de bateau Almeria Ghazaouet dépend de la date de votre départ et la date de votre réservation.Les prix sont élevés pendant la haute saison. Algerie Ferry offre le choix entre différentes formules d’hébergements pour votre traversée Almeria Ghazouet : des plus économiques - les fauteuils - aux cabines ; les cabines respectent toutes les mêmes normes de qualité, mais diffèrent par leur taille et leur position dans le navire. Nos Promotions Almeria-Ghazaouet. All customers are currently being contacted personally, given a full refund and if necessary offered the most satisfactory alternative option for their travel plans, through our agents in U.K.For any further information please contact your travel agency or Acciona Trasmediterranea at:With up to three sailings per week from the UK (Portsmouth) to Spain (Bilbao) the AT Ferries superferry provides fast, convenient and economical travel.Acciona Trasmediterránea, the largest shipping company in Spain for the transport of passengers and cargo and one of the largest in Europe, will reinforce the company’s international strategy with the new Bilbao to Portsmouth ferry line.The ship assigned to the new Bilbao to Portsmouth line is the superferry "Fortuny".One of the most modern and comfortable ships in the fleet, with a capacity for 1,000 passengers, 330 vehicles -cars, caravans, coaches and 1,800 linear metres for rolling stock.The Fortuny superferry has 10 decks and is one of the company's most modern ships. Pour recevoir les informations et promotions sur les ferries, renseignez votre Email.Billet de Bateau pas Cher: comparez les tarifs et les horaires des différentes compagnies de ferry.Billet de bateau Trasmediterranea PROMOTIONS tarifs réservations.Trasmediterranea possède une des flottes les plus modernes et les mieux équipées d'Europe, avec les dernières avancées technologiques en termes de sécurité, de qualité et de services à bord.Trasmediterranea assure des traversées vers l'Algérie, les Canaries, les Baléares et le Maroc.Vers l'Algérie, Trasmediterranea propose les traversées:Vers les Canaries, Trasmediterranea propose les traversées:Vers les Baléares, Trasmediterranea propose les traversées:Vers le Maroc, Trasmediterranea propose les traversées:Donnez votre avis, notez votre compagnie de Ferry:différentes traversées avec Trasmediterranea. Algerie Ferry offre le choix entre différentes formules d’hébergements pour votre traversée Almeria Ghazouet : des plus économiques - les fauteuils - aux cabines ; les cabines respectent toutes les mêmes normes de qualité, mais diffèrent par leur taille et leur position dans le navire. Billet de Bateau pas Cher: comparez les tarifs et les horaires des différentes compagnies de ferry. Réservez votre billet de bateau Almeria Ghazaouet le moins cher et profitez d'une remise exclusive sur tous vos billets de bateau. si vous continuez votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies,Allo Ferry Agence de voyage agrée N° : IM091180003.Quelles sont les informations à connaître sur le billet Almeria Ghazaouet ?Quel Ferry Almeria Ghazaouet dois-je réserver?Où trouver le bon prix d’un billet Almeria Ghazaouet ?Où trouver un billet de bateau Almeria Ghazaouet pas cher?Où trouver un billet de bateau Almeria Ghazaouet en promotion?Où réserver un billet de bateau Almeria Ghazaouet ?Quel est le temps ou la durée d'une traversée Almeria Ghazaouet en bateau?Consulter les horaires de la traversée Almeria Ghazaouet ?Quelles sont les traversées alternatives à la traversée Almeria Ghazaouet ?Y-a-t-il que des cabines à bord du bateau Almeria Ghazaouet ?Découvrez les bateaux Almeria Ghazaouet ?Faut-il acheter un billet de bateau pour votre animal de compagnie: chat, chien...?Comment payer votre billet de bateau Almeria Ghazaouet par chèques vacances?Y-a-t-il un billet de bateau Almeria Ghazaouet à prix réduit?Quels sont les repas servis au réstaurant à bord du bateau Almeria Ghazaouet . Ciudad de la Innovación, 5 31621 Sarriguren (Navarra) Tel: +34 948 00 60 00 / Fax: +34 948 00 60 01 Jacuzzi, sun deck and bar/cafeteria service.A la carte restaurant where a varied selection of menus is served and an ample wine list of "denominación de origen".Discotheque with presenter /disc jockey and an entertainment team throughout the year.Cinema with three daily sessions and capacity for 77 people.Reclining seats with communal television and video monitors.Cabins, toilets and ramps for passengers with restricted mobility. ACCIONA is a carbon neutral company since 2016, leader in providing sustainable solutions for infrastructure and renewable energy projects.The sustainability strategy is developed through the Sustainability Master Plan, a road map that brings together all Company’s initiatives.Receive news from ACCIONA every month in your email: news, job offers or innovation and Trasmediterranea Acciona est une compagnie maritime reliant les traversées ferry entre les principaux ports Espagnoles aux archipels des Baléares et des Canaries et à l'Afrique du Nord : Maroc(Ceuta et Melilla, au Maroc et à l’Algérie. View Trasmediterranea ferry timetables and search for Trasmediterranea ferry offers! View Trasmediterranea ferry timetables and search for Trasmediterranea ferry offers! It also has a car-deck for 330 vehicles (cars, caravans, buses) and a large cargo capacity (1,800 linear metres) to ensure sufficient space for ro-ro traffic between Portsmouth and Bilbao.The Fortuny superferry has state-of-the-art technology. Avda. Billet de ferry vers l'Algérie: comparez les tarifs et les horaires des différentes compagnies de ferry. La traversée Almeria Ghazaouet est assurée par les ferries des compagnies Trasmediterranea Acciona, Armas.Elle lie les ports Almeria et Ghazaouet. Please Note: Due to continuing operational reasons that could not be solved in the medium term, we regret to inform you that Acciona Trasmediterranea will be cancelling all scheduled sailings between Portsmouth and Bilbao. You will not receive more newsletters, unless you subscribe again. Allo Ferry est le représentant officiel en France DE Trasmediterranea Acciona, FRS, Balearia, Intershipping, AML, La traversée Algeciras Tanger & Algeciras Tanger sont assurées près de 30 fois par jour. Coronavirus (COVID-19) travel updates from our ferry partners. sustainability articles.Please, confirm your subscription on the email we have sent you and your registration will be completed.Please confirm your subscription in the email we just sent you to complete the registration and you will be able to download your ebook.YOU ARE ALREADY SUBSCRIBED TO THE NEWSLETTER!If you've missed our content, try checking your junk mailbox and,Your email has been unsubscribed. Completed in June 2001 at the Navantia shipyard in Puerto Real (Cádiz), the Fortuny previously sailed between the Spanish mainland and the Balearic Islands, providing a broad range of quality services and a faster trip (23 knots) than conventional ferries. Acciona Trasmediterránea operate the new AT Ferries passenger car ferry line between Bilbao and Portsmouth. The superferries also have a lounge with large windows giving views of the seas and equipped with television screens.The Club Class cabins have satellite television sets, a minibar, room-service, exclusive access to the Club Lounge, preferential embarking and disembarking, etc.The variety of the on board catering offers passengers a selection of menus, tapas and Spanish wines that can be enjoyed in the ferry’s à la carte restaurant, the self-service restaurant, swimming pool bar and cafeteria.The ship is also equipped with different leisure areas: a heated swimming pool in winter and salt water swimming pool in summer, a massage parlour, sauna and Jacuzzi, shops, children’s areas, a cinema, pub and discotheque, heliport, and so on.AT Ferries is operated by Acciona Trasmediterránea, part of the Acciona Group.Acciona Trasmediterránea currently run a ferry service between Spain and North Africa, between the Balearic Islands, and the Canary Islands.Now with AT Ferries they will join P&O Ferries in providing a service between Spain and the UK.AT Ferries will use their new Fortuny Sorolla ship, with a capacity of 1000 passengers and 300 cars to sail their new ferry route connecting the UK with Spain.ACCIONA Trasmediterránea abre una nueva línea regular de pasaje y carga entre España y el Reino Unido.ACCIONA is one of the most significant Spanish corporations in the areas of transport, renewable energies, hydraulic resources, urban and environmental services, construction, housing promotion and hospital management, among other activities.ACCIONA employs more than 30,000 workers and carries out its activities in some twenty countries on the five continents: Spain, the United Kingdom, Portugal, France, Poland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Slovenia, Andorra, China, Australia, the United States, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Algeria, Morocco and Gabon.“Pioneers in development and sustainability” is the slogan which forms the backbone of the company’s long term vision and it is supported by numerous national and international activities. If you continue to browse, we’ll assume you agree to them being installed and used. Nous utilisons nos propres cookies ainsi que ceux de tiers pour analyser et personnaliser votre expérience de navigation. qu'est-ce que cela signifie ? Acciona Trasmediterránea Ferry Ticket Prices & Reservations. Please Note: Due to continuing operational reasons that could not be solved in the medium term, we regret to inform you that Acciona Trasmediterranea will be cancelling all scheduled sailings between Portsmouth and Bilbao. Compagnies Ferry 2019: tous le traversées maritimes et les ferries de la Méditerranée - Telephone +39.010.5731805 - Med Ferries En poursuivant votre navigation, … Avez vous oublié de sélectionner le véhicule ?Traversée disponible uniquement par Téléphone au 01 75 430 212.La catégorie véhicule comprend un classement selon la taille de chaque automobile,sa longueur et sa hauteur. Some of examples of ACCIONA’s activities in these areas are: the building of the largest suspension bridge in the world in Hong Kong or the Petrona Towers in Kuala Lumpur, the highest building in the world when they were built; the off-shore wind park at Arklow Bank in Ireland; the “Seafaring Motorway which connects the northwest coasts of Spain and France ( Vigo - Saint Nazaire); eco-efficiency applied to housing and technological applications for water processing, including the reusing of purified water, and mathematical models in biological processes.ACCIONA Energía has won the European Business Awards for the Environment (Spanish Section) in the category of Product Sustainable for the biodiesel it produces in its plant at Caparroso (Navarre, northern Spain).
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