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The new Vegan Delight line from Maison Riviera breaks a century-long tradition of purely dairy production by this French-Canadian company. You get 12 individually-packaged yogurts for $12.99 Canadian (regular price). Yoplait Yogourt en tube fraise banane fruit x8. Thank you! I am a simple yogurt lover, so the natural and vanilla are my two favourites. Discover the pleasure of good food with our yogourt, cream, french-style fresh cheeses, butter, speciality cheeses and vegan delights. As a sugar addict, it took me a while to appreciate unsweetened yogurt which then tasted sour until my taste buds finally adapted to not be in contact with sugary foods for a good 12 days. Français; My Cart 0 0.00 $ Cart. Maison Riviera offers a great variety of dairy products: yogourts, dairy desserts, cheeses, creams and french-style fresh cheeses, butters, greek yogourts, 50% less sugar yogourts, goat milk products, lactose-free products, GMO-free yogourts and even organic products – Costco Sale Items for Sep 25-27, 2020 for BC, AB, MB, SK, Costco Fall Aisle 2020 Superpost! It’s nice to see Costco carrying products like this! With vitamins A, B12, D and calcium added. , Hello ! I ordered them, it was free shipping on orders over $18, so I just ordered $18 worth which was a lot of plastic lids. Right now she’s having Soy and I worry about the long term health issues with too much soy, so glad to at least have options with the yogurt! Obviously the glass containers mean that you have to be more careful when transporting these yogurts than you would with yogurt in a standard plastic container – these might not be a great choice for school lunches for little ones. Without your review, I may not have tried these. There’s more protein in the yogurt, but also more carbs and calories, so it may depend on what you’re keeping an eye on. Bedding Sets, Pillows & Linen Section. I do wish there was a bit more protein in each serving as I use yogurt as a source of protein in my diet and usually tend to eat higher protein yogurts for that reason. Contains probiotics with multiple benefits for intestinal and immune system health. That’s why I’m reviewing the Maison Riviera Coconut Milk Vegan Delight from Costco today! Prévenez-moi de tous les nouveaux commentaires par e-mail. Size: 4x120 g, Dairy free – Gluten free – 4 g of proteins – With calcium, vitamins A, B12 and D added – Rich in probiotics – Low in sugar, ©2020 Laiterie Chalifoux for Maison Riviera — All rights reserved, Maison Riviera - Yogurts, Cheese, Butter and Sour Cream. *Always read the ingredient and nutrition statement prior to consumption. Discover the pleasure of good food with our yogourt, cream, french-style fresh cheeses, butter, speciality cheeses and vegan delights. Comme si Riviera n’avait pas déjà fait un assez bon travail, chaque saveur contient de vrais morceaux de fruits. then I reminded myself that you don’t really need to eat fake substitutes if you’ve gone vegan. Par exemple, pour la même portion, le yogourt végétal Le Choix du Président n’offre qu’un gramme de protéines et son apport en vitamine frôle la nullité. I purchased this product with my own money and the opinions in this review are strictly my own. 22 janvier 2019 it makes an amazing addition to any fruit or granola or even muffins for moistness. My boyfriend and I love it! Ce n’est pas de ma faute! D’un point de vue nutritionnel, le produit est très intéressant et surpasse plusieurs compétiteurs. Elles sont toutes fabriquées à partir de lait de coco et additionnés de vitamines A, B12, D et de calcium. Discover the pleasure of good food with our yogourt, cream, french-style fresh cheeses, butter, speciality cheeses and vegan delights. then I reminded myself that you don’t really need to eat fake substitutes if you’ve gone vegan. Maintenant, excusez-moi, j’ai un shitload de yogourt à déguster! Where they are typically kept? We are an independent website and not affiliated or endorsed by Costco, Costco Lotus Foods Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen Review, Nutritious and versatile! . All foods and products should be considered at risk for cross-contamination with milk and other allergens. Petite critique de la collection végétale! Chez nous, c’est un produit de consommation récurrent. C’est bien beau toutes ces technicalités, mais le goût? I love the smoothness of the flavour and it makes an amazing addition to any fruit or granola or even muffins for moistness. The richness and well-rounded flavour of yogourt with 9% milk fat. Français; Temporary out of stock Add to cart. À noter que ces yogourts ne contiennent ni édulcorant ni gluten. Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. Availability: Maison Riviera Vegan Coconut Milk Yogurt is sold at Costco stores in the U.S. and Canada. Bien heureuse que tu sois curieuse de l’alimentation végétale! I write these reviews to help my fellow shoppers. C’est le meilleur yogourt végétal que j’ai goûté jusqu’à présent tant niveau texturée que gout. Merci Sarah pour ton commentaire! Parlons-en du goût…Riviera n’est pas allé de main morte et a élaboré une gamme rocambolesque de saveurs. It’s also available. I stopped buying pretend food years ago, and I will continue to do so. grew up on that stuff, I know what I’m talking about-it’s a taste you never forget. Fermez les yeux. And anytime one sees a listing of ‘natural flavour’ it becomes suspect. I had plenty of fresh berries in it, and my first mouthful – I literally gagged. Cette nouveauté végétalienne de la Maison Riviera est un incontournable. Especially the Vanilla, Berry & Natural! 1 c. à soupe (15 ml) de jus de citron. Imaginez-vous les pieds dans le sable chaud, entendez la mer et sentez ces petits poissons vous rentrer dans le maillot de bain…voilà vous êtes sous les tropiques. 21 janvier 2019 Still, I feel that this product would probably be priced a lot higher in a regular grocery store. I am not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. The lemon one was my favorite, but my husband liked the raspberry and blackcurrant one the best. Je ne connais pas cette marque, penses-tu qu’elle sera dispo en grande surface francaise ? I am just a fan of the company. De loin le yogourt végétal le plus consistant sur le marché québécois. Marie-Josée Caron Rich in texture, so much so that it's likely to be mistaken for classic yogurt, available in an economic size of 650 g. Et c’est tout l’objet de cette critique! The three flavors included in this pack are lemon, mango and passion fruit and raspberry and blackcurrant. Maison Riviera offers a great variety of goat milk, cow milk, organic, reduced in sugar and GMO-Free products. Contains probiotics with multiple benefits for intestinal and immune system health. Peut-être suis-je superficielle…mais pour moi, c’est signe d’un yogourt de qualité. Si la température fait que vous vous ennuyez des cocktails à volonté des resorts sudistes ou que vous êtes trop lâche pour sortir votre blender, une cuillère de cette saveur vous donnera l’impression de déguster un pina colada. northeast, deep west, and the yellow head locations do NOT carry them at this time. Available in four delightful and 100% reusable glass jars, each with 120 g of Coconut Milk Vegan Delight. We share dairy-free recipes, product reviews, news, recommendations and health guides to aide those with milk allergies, lactose intolerance or a general need or desire to live without dairy. 1 c. à thé (5 ml) de poudre d’oignon. Three flavour bouquets to discover: Raspberry Mint, Mango Cardamom and Grapefruit Rosemary, offered in a 4 x 120 g format. Thank you for taste testing these for us!!! Discover the pleasure of good food with our yogourt, cream, french-style fresh cheeses, butter, speciality cheeses and vegan delights. I bought this from costco just to try out since my family is gluten and dairy free. Rassurez-vous, outre pour la saveur ananas et coco (d’uh), on ne distingue même pas le goût de la noix de coco. Ceci est une autre critique de yogourt. 1 c. à soupe (15 ml) de vinaigre de cidre de pommes. Sur une échelle de 1 à 10, 1 étant le yogourt à boire et 10 le yogourt grec, je donne à Riviera un 8. LOVE LOVE LOVE! I am hooked. Une publication partagée par Maison Riviera (@maison_riviera) le le 1 Mar 2019 à 12 h 23 m PST. Go Dairy Free is the leading website for information on the dairy-free diet. It took me a while to get used to the plain variety because of that. With vitamins A, B12, D and calcium added. Maison Riviera Coconut Milk Vegan Delight. Contact the company to discuss their manufacturing processes if potential allergen cross-contamination is an issue for you. Alisa is also a professional recipe creator and product ambassador for the natural food industry. Plus cher que le yogourt présidentiel, mais quand même plus abordable que la plupart des marques végétales. Apparences que l’offre se diversifie et c’est une bonne chose…Après le fromage, le yogourt est un aliment difficile à trouver en version (satisfaisante ) végétale. Comme vous l’aurez deviné, la toute dernière nouveauté est la collection végétale, fraîchement arrivée sur les tablettes. . Dans les dernières années, l’entreprise s’est fait connaître notamment grâce à sa collection de yogourts en petits pots de verre lancée en 2015. Good to know, I’m going to buy them. Certifications: Maison Riviera Vegan Coconut Milk Yogurt is Certified Kosher DE (for dairy equipment, not ingredients; see our Understanding Kosher Guide). Je crois qu’on pourrait écrire mille articles sur le soya et être encore mêlé! So exciting! The company sells lids and labels for the jars on their website, so the jars are reusable for other things like crafts, storage or making desserts. Maison Riviera, when dreams meet know-how. Each 120 gram serving of Coconut Milk Vegan Delight contains 100 calories, four grams of fat, eight grams of sugar and three grams of protein. I can not see it being a product they carry long, they have to sell a shit load to keep it on their shelves, it has to sell a lot and it has to move fast to retain shelf space. Please note that ingredients, processes and products are subject to change by a manufacturer at any time. They’ve launched several flavors and three package sizes of their coconut milk yogurt, and have quickly gained distribution in major U.S. and Canadian retailers like Costco. Cost. *, Nutrition (per 3/4 cup): 120 calories, 7g fat, 9g carbs, 0g fiber, 0g sugars, 4g protein. 3 février 2019 Nouvelle France Yogourt nature lait de brebis 500 g. 06575. Voici 5 yogourts véganes qui nous ont convaincu par leur goût et leur texture. I would love some coupons if they are available! Probiotics: contains 1 billion probiotic bacteria per serving - BIFIDOBACTERIUM SPECIES, LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS, LACTOBACILLUS PARACASEI Menu ≡ ╳ Products; Maison Riviera; Contact us; English. Maison Riviera, when dreams meet know-how. Oroweat Organic Quinoa & Sunflower Seed Loaf Review, Weekend Update! Go get em! I do not have the enzyme to digest any dairy and these products make for a great substitute for me. Even if you’re not, you should definitely check these out. I think you could serve them for dessert at a nice dinner party and your guests would complement you for it. Sans aucune hésitation! If a coffee shop or café offered these yogurts, I think they could easily charge $3.00 or more per serving and lots of people would happily pay it! Probiotics: contains 1 billion probiotic bacteria per serving - BIFIDOBACTERIUM SPECIES, LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS, LACTOBACILLUS PARACASEI Each variety of coconut milk yogurt from Maison Riviera contains 1 billion probiotic bacteria per serving. . Maison Riviera Coconut Milk Yogurt is Six Flavors of Vegan Delight. Maison Riviera, when dreams meet know-how. Répondre. À mon humble avis, la seule texture de yogourt qui devrait être légale est celle du yogourt grec. I hunted for these in one of the Edmonton locations and couldn’t find them. I wish it was a little cheaper to buy though. Free of dairy products, gluten, and artificial sweeteners. Not sour at all (per another review). Please never stop making this product its absolutely amazing! Maison Riviera, when dreams meet know-how. Dairy free – Gluten free – 4 g of proteins – With calcium, vitamins A, B12 and D added – Rich in probiotics – Low in sugar, Mango Cardamom Yogourt Versailles bouquet, ©2020 Laiterie Chalifoux for Maison Riviera — All rights reserved, Maison Riviera - Yogurts, Cheese, Butter and Sour Cream. J’ai acheté les portions individuelles chez Costco et la saveur vanille existe ? Hi, I’m definitely going to get these, and hopefully they have them in Calgary (I’m going there tonight!). I haven’t tried the daiya pots as I can’t eat chicory/inulin, however I would without. There is also 2-3 additional flavours/plain available at planet organic locations, these are in the plastic standard tub size rather than the glass pots. I literally eat it every morning as it is for sure a staple. Personally i wont be replacing my usual yogurt with maison riviera coconut milk vegan delight for that reason at least on a regular basis. Aliments du Québec (143) Dans les circulaires (79) En promotion (90) Nouveaux produits (16) Produits populaires (41) Marques. Six exotic flavours to discover: plain, vanilla, lemon, pineapple and coconut, mango and passion fruit, raspberry and blackcurrant. De loin le yogourt végétal le plus consistant sur le marché québécois. I am a simple yogurt lover, so the natural and vanilla are my two favourites. After years of searching for the perfect dairy free yogurt I have found this one, and I am completely obsessed. La portion de 175 g fournie 1 milliard de probiotiques, 4 g de protéines et est faible en sucre. Unfortunately, the shipping costs is outrageous so I’m still thinking about it or going to look for a friend to split the cost with. 1. La première inquiétude qu’on peut avoir: être envahi par le goût de la noix de coco. ½ c. à thé (2.5 ml) de sel . The fiber is a major irritant for most IBS sufferers. Loin du plain et du vanille. The concept of a glass petit pot having finally crossed the ocean can now make its way onto our tables to the great delight of discerning. The individual containers are fairly small (120 grams each); I’d say that they’re about half the size of a typical yogurt (depending on which ones you buy). Ingredients, processes, and labeling are subject to change at any time for any company or product. Please note that this review was, Costco Nature’s Touch Frozen Broccoli Florets, Costco POPCORNERS Sweet & Salty Kettle Corn, Costco Kirkland Signature Rhubarb Strawberry Crumble Pie, Costco Swiss Delice milk chocolate with a touch of ground hazelnuts and extra dark chocolates, CONTEST TIME!!! Maison Riviera offers a great variety of goat milk, cow milk, organic, reduced in sugar and GMO-Free products. Each variety of coconut milk yogurt from Maison Riviera contains 1 billion probiotic bacteria per serving. Comme si Riviera n’avait pas déjà fait un assez bon travail, chaque saveur contient de vrais morceaux de fruits. You should never rely on ingredient and allergen statements alone if dealing with a severe food allergy. Texture lisse et onctueuse, très ressemblante aux yogourts laitiers. Riviera. Ç’a du bon. The mango and passion fruit has a muted flavor and is minimally sweet. 41419. Discover the pleasure of good food with our yogourt, cream, french-style fresh cheeses, butter, speciality cheeses and vegan delights. I purchased this product with my own money and the opinions in this review are strictly my own. They offer the plain and vanilla in economic 650-gram tubs, but the fruit varieties are sold in … Anyway, it isn’t a thick yogurt; it’s quite a bit thinner than any Greek yogurt or skyr. Your Weird Vegan Friend ... (J’ai utilisé le yogourt nature végane de Riviera trouvé chez Metro mon epicier) 3 c. à soupe (45 ml) de ciboulette. *, Nutrition (per 3/4 cup): 150 calories, 7g fat, 19g carbs, 0g fiber, 10g sugars, 4g protein. UPC Caisse: 10064912087242: UPC Unité : 064912087245: Vous aimerez peut être aussi. Once the 12 days were over, I loved it especially with my own fresh fruits added. I had my first Costco West reader request for a product review! Maison Riviera offers a great variety of goat milk, cow milk, organic, reduced in sugar and GMO-Free products. Hâte de gouter au autres saveurs! And anytime one sees a listing of ‘natural flavour’ it becomes suspect. Ingredients: coconut milk (water, coconut extract), tapioca flour, faba bean protein, pea protein, calcium phosphate, pectin, natural flavor, vitamin a, vitamin b12, vitamin d, bacterial cultures (bifidobacterium species, lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus paracasei). À mon avis, décider de placer ce yogourt végétal au travers des laitiers est une bonne stratégie et permet une visibilité qu’on n’a pas lorsque son produit se trouve dans la noirceur d’une tablette spécialisée. Fortified with the following RDA percentages: 40% vitamin A, 20% calcium, 40% vitamin B12, 40% vitamin D.*, Ingredients: coconut milk (water, beet sugar, lemon pulp, native corn starch, concentrated lemon juice, sodium citrate, natural flavours, lemon and safflower concentrate), tapioca flour, cane sugar, faba bean protein, pea protein, calcium phosphate, pectin, natural flavour, vitamin a, vitamin b12, vitamin d, bacterial cultures (bifidobacterium species, lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus paracasei). , Aurore Contains 4 g of protein per 175 g portion. Absolutely worth the effort. La collection végétale de Maison Riviera est disponible dans certains Costco, ainsi que dans les IGA et Metro. Je suis de plus en plus adepte du végétal et du bio ! And since I grew up on that stuff, I know what I’m talking about-it’s a taste you never forget. Yogourts. Fruit preparation (passion fruit pulp, mango pieces, mango puree, non-GMO beet sugar, water, native corn starch, natural flavours, carrot and squash concentrate, pectin, sodium citrate). L’entreprise s’impose de nombreuses responsabilités au niveau environnemental et social. *, Nutrition (per 3/4 cup): 150 calories, 6g fat, 20g carbs, 0g fiber, 12g sugars, 4g protein. Dairy-free does include milk-free, lactose-free, casein-free and whey-free, too! Size: 650 g, Dairy free – Gluten free – 4 g of proteins – With calcium, vitamins A, B12 and D added – Rich in probiotics – Low in sugar, ©2020 Laiterie Chalifoux for Maison Riviera — All rights reserved, Maison Riviera - Yogurts, Cheese, Butter and Sour Cream. Cette fois, Maison Riviera tente sa chance! Had I not known, I wouldn’t have been able to tell that these yogurts were dairy-free or vegan; I just would have thought they might be the best yogurts I’ve ever tasted! Discover the pleasure of good food with our yogourt, cream, french-style fresh cheeses, butter, speciality cheeses and vegan delights. Les activités de Maison Riviera ont débuté au tournant des années 20 à la laiterie Chalifoux de Sorel-Tracy. Texture lisse et onctueuse, très ressemblante aux yogourts laitiers. Plusieurs saveurs aux délicieux parfums tropicaux sont disponibles. J’ai testé celui noix de coco ét ananas. Labels. Prévenez-moi de tous les nouveaux articles par e-mail. À noter qu’il se trouve au même endroit que les yogourts laitiers à l’épicerie. Thanks for the review. It’s a little pricey but I really like it. Répondre. I have to say ingredients list is long. English. I write these reviews to help my fellow shoppers. The pack from Costco comes with three different flavors, which is great if you get tired of one flavor or have different taste preferences in your household. Fruit preparation (sugar, water, mango pieces, concentrated mango puree, modified tapioca starch, powder cardamom, pectin, carott and squash concentrate, natural flavours). Location in Costco: In the refrigerated section by the yogurt. Had I not known, I wouldn’t have been able to tell that these yogurts were dairy-free or vegan; I just would have thought they might be the best yogurts I’ve ever tasted! Pas de sur-prix(se)! Free of dairy products, gluten, and artificial sweeteners. Tasty and very creamy, my favourite yogurt. Produits réfrigérés X; Produits laitiers X; Yogourts X; Supprimer les filtres; Yogourts + à voir moins; Filtres supplémentaires. The daiya brand of coconut “yogurt” are $2 per yogurt cup, so these would be a great deal for me. Alisa is the founder of, Food Editor for Allergic Living magazine, and author of the best-selling dairy-free book, Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook for Milk Allergies, Lactose Intolerance, and Casein-Free Living, and the new cookbook, Eat Dairy Free: Your Essential Cookbook for Everyday Meals, Snacks, and Sweets. Chez nous on est pas mal adepte de Alpro et Sojade ! Les champs obligatoires sont indiqués avec *. Répondre, Fais-en provision!!! This product is so good I can’t stop raving about it, trust me I am a skeptic. It tastes like CHEAP MARGARINE. Neither of us knew quite what to expect, but they taste like a premium-quality, silky, smooth, creamy yogurt. Comme dans bien d’autres domaines, il faut bien s’informer et éviter de se laisser berner par les légendes urbaines. Maison Riviera, when dreams meet know-how. Coolio! Yoplait Yogourt en tube fraise cerise x8. ), Chocolate Cupcakes: Every Joe Will Go Crazy for These Wacky Treats. It’s “Boots Approved”! Price: $5.79 per 500g tub in Canada or $11.89 per 12-pack in the U.S. So smooth even my picky kids love it. Pour l’ensemble de l’oeuvre, je recommande. Free shipping on online purchases of $18.00 and more. Préparation. Rich in texture, so much so that it's likely to be mistaken for classic yogurt. Please note that this review was not paid for or, When they say crispy they mean it! I sold the rest of them in a group I was in with the jars (not for mark up, just what I paid) You could buy one of the ceramic lids and not end up with a ton of plastic ones.

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