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Their €37 billion family fortune was built on Auchan, a leading French supermarket chain. His uncle, Louis Mulliez, was the owner of the Saint-Liévin factory in Lille. He has five siblings. The Mulliez family is one of the plushest families in Europe and in the world. Photo: Denis Charlet/AFP Source: Getty Images. Mulliez family is among the richest families in the world. Bettencourt, France's richest woman, settled a row with her daughter over management of the family fortune following lavish gifts to a photographer friend. Mulliez had previously worked in his father’s retail shop and decided to branch out on his own at the age of 29. The Wertheimer family fortune dates back to 1920s Paris when Pierre Wertheimer funded designer Coco Chanel. Birth Chart of Gerard Mulliez, Astrology Horoscope, Astro, Birthday, Taurus Horoscope of Celebrity. His father, Gérard Mulliez, was the owner of Phildar, a high street clothing firm founded by his grandfather, Louis Mulliez-Lestienne. Quant à Gérard Mulliez et sa famille, ils occupent toujours la 5e place de ce classement, mais leur fortune serait passée de 38 à 32 milliards d’euros, selon Challenges. gerard lopez lille net worth. And … Auchan is controlled by the Mulliez family. Led by retail tycoon Gerard Mulliez, the family control Groupe Auchan—a French international retail group and multinational corporation. So, Gerard boldly took the family out of textiles and invested what was left of the family fortune … He went on to found the Auchan supermarket chain in 1961. The Mulliez (pronounced Mool-yay) family got started in textile manufacturing 200 years ago. Entreprise, Gestion, Finance - Découvrez nos livres d'occasion et pas chers, sélectionnés par la librairie solidaire d'Emmaüs. Actualmente el Consejo de vigilancia está formado por Gerard Mulliez, André Leclercq y Gonzague Mulliez. So, Gerard boldly took the family out of textiles and invested what was left of the family fortune in big-box retail stores. 15. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Gerard Mulliez is often called the Sam Walton of France. gerard lopez lille net worth. gerard lopez lille net worth. Quoi de commun entre Gérard Mulliez, patron d'Auchan, première fortune professionnelle de France (37,88 milliards d'euros) et Gérard… Owning a château is still a prerequisite for joining French high society, it seems. Here are the richest French winery owners on the latest France 500 rich list produced by Challenges magazine.. It’s been an extremely busy summer in Bordeaux.. Just in a few square miles on the limestone plateau of St-Emilion, we have had the Moueix family buying Clos de Magdeleine and Magnan la Gaffelière. Gérard Paul Louis Mulliez est le fils de Gérard Mulliez (1906-1989), dirigeant de l'entreprise familiale textile Phildar, et de Françoise Robertine Marie Cavrois (1911-2008).. Sa famille remonte jusqu'à Nicolas Collart Mullier, né vers 1470, censier (métayer) du « Cambry » (à Hem) et de « l'Hostel » [1]. It is one of the largest retail companies in the world with over 3000 locations in France and 15 countries other countries. ... Gérard Mulliez €19bn. ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE SESSION ORDINAIRE DE 2017-2018 11e séance Compte rendu intégral 2e séance du mardi 17 octobre 2017 Les articles, amendements et annexes figurent dans le fascicule bleu ci-joint Today, Groupe Auchan SA is striving to connect with today’s health-conscious and omni-channel consumers. Jean passed away on month day 1996, at age 81 at death place. Other Affiliations Philippe Gracia is affiliated with Immochan International S.A.S , Auchan Holding SA , Auchan Portugal Hipermercados SA , Auchan Holding SA Regal Wallet > Blog Blog > Uncategorized Uncategorized > gerard lopez lille net worth By the 1950s, the textile industry in France had collapsed. A Saudi Prince will donate his entire $32 billion (£20bn) fortune to charity as part of a pledge modelled on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. US heiress Gloria Vanderbilt dies aged 95 Gloria Vanderbilt, US heiress, artist and fashion icon, died Monday aged 95 at her Manhattan home surrounded by family and friends. The Mulliez family had already built a retail empire by the time Gerard Mulliez started Auchan, known as France’s Walmart, in 1961. His grandsons, brothers Alain and Gerard Wertheimer, control Chanel today, which generated $9.6 billion in revenue last year. Gerard Mulliez is often called the Sam Walton of France. Gérard Mulliez et sa famille En 2018, Gérard Mulliez et sa famille (groupe Auchan) occupent la 5e place du classement des fortunes de France, avec une fortune de 38 milliards d'euros. Jean married Suzanne Joséphine Mulliez (born Debaudrenghien) on month day 1936, at age 21 at marriage place. Gerard Mulliez is the founder of the Auchan chain of department stores. Gérard Mulliez was born on 13 May 1931 in Roubaix France. The Mulliez family – $38.4 billion Founder of the French distribution group Auchan Gerard Mulliez. The Mulliez (pronounced Mool-yay) family got started in textile manufacturing 200 years ago. They own vineyards in France and Napa Valley and breed and race thoroughbreds, according to Forbes. Auchan has grown into one of Europe’s biggest supermarket chains. https://www.zonebourse.com/barons-bourse/Gerard-Mulliez-166/biographie Paris - Gérard Mulliez is France's Sam Walton: a frugal, plain-talking, small-town entrepreneur who parlayed a single storefront into a sprawling empire. Biographie Famille. The following is a Forbes list of French billionaires is based on an annual assessment of wealth and assets compiled and published by Forbes magazine in 2019, according to Forbes ' list of billionaires Jean had 5 siblings: Gérard Albert Mulliez, Antoine Mulliez and 3 other siblings. Headed by Gerard Mulliez, this large clan is the richest family in France. From 2008 to 2019, Arnault increased his fortune from €18 billion to €100 billion. Ainsi, si Gérard Mulliez, le grand représentant du titre, se targue de résider en France, ce n’est pas le cas d’une partie de sa famille qui a choisi de vivre à Néchin, une charmante bourgade juste de l’autre côté de la frontière avec la Belgique. The company was founded by Gérard Mulliez in 1961 and is headquartered in Croix, France. The CEO of the fashion company that includes famed brands such as Fendi, Dior and Louis Vuitton, has beaten last year’s winner, Auchan supermarket owner February 24, 2021 Get in the game! Le groupe gère collectivement une fortune professionnelle de 25 milliards d'euros, et divers autres membres de la famille (notamment Gérard Mulliez) détenant des parts minoritaires dans les entreprises du groupe Mulliez gèrent l'autre partie de la fortune professionnelle, pour 5,4 milliards d'euros. By the 1950s, the textile industry in France had collapsed. Groupe Auchan SA was founded 1961 when Gérard Mulliez opened his first Auchan shop in his hometown of Roubaix. They now own many retail and related companies — Decathlon, the sports shop, is probably the most recognisable Mulliez business in Britain. Mulliez Family, Auchan: $37.5 billion Gerard Mulliez was born in 1931 to a family that owned a clothing company. 5.

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