She started her sermon with the name of Allah; She was buried in the Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque. Today there are two shrines one in Cairo and the other in Damascus where She (RA) is said to be buried. Zainab became a Muslim soon after Muhammad first declared himself a prophet. Home » Stories » History, Quotes And Life of Zainab Bint Ali (RA), Sayyidah Zaynab bint ‘Ali (RA) was the daughter of Ali (RA) and Fatimah Bint Muhammad (RA) and was the sister of Hasan (RA) and Hussain (RA). Like other members of her family she became a great figure of sacrifice, strength, and piety in Islam – particularly in the Shi’a sect of the religion. Emotional Stories of Muhammad Prophet (PBUH) will prove how great our last Prophet was, is, and forever will be. Trans. Sayyeda Zaynab bint Ali (Arabic: زينب بنت علي Also: Zainab, Zeinab, or with the title Sayyeda/Sayyidah) was one of the daughters of the Rashid Caliph and first Shia Imam, Ali and his first wife Fatimah. And this mosque is indeed beautiful to... Conquest Of Makkah is one of the greatest events taken place in the holy month of Ramadan. In Shia Muslim views, she is a great figure of sacrifice and strength. Enter your Email and get all Islamic Posts in your Inbox! Sayyida Zaynab bint ‘Ali. ºThe Many Names … This is the only website offering such a large collection of stories, in a very unique manner. Sayyidah Zaynab bint ʿAli (الـسَّـيّـدة زَيـنـب بـنـت عـلي, Also: 'Zainab') was one of the daughters of the first Shi'a Imam ‘Ali and his first wife Fatimah. Her brother's name “Imam Hussain” (as) and Karbala associate the idea of freedom, justice, humanity, virtue, fighting against despotism, with the realization of the sovereignty of Allah. نَـبِي , profeetta) Muhammed oli hänen äitinsä isoisä, ja näin hän kuului hänen Baitiinsa (arab. Zaynab bint Ali (Arabic: زَيْنَب بِنْت عَلِيّ , Zaynab ibnat ʿAlīy; 3 August 626 – 682), also spelled Zainab, was the daughter of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatimah bint Muhammad.The Islamic Prophet Muhammad was her maternal grandfather, and thus she is a member of his Ahl al-Bayt.She is often revered not only for her characteristics and actions, but also for her membership in, and continuation … Umar (RA) was the Caliph of Islam. Women in the Medieval Islamic World: Power, Patronage, and Piety. Sermon of Zaynab in Kufa is a speech delivered by Zaynab to people of Kufa. Acknowledgments; Introduction Angelic Appellation; Growing Up in Medina; Womanhood; Assassination; Rendezvous with Fate - Karbala; Sacrifice - Karbala; Eloquent Defiance - Kufa; The Victory of Truth - Damascus; Return to Medina; Epilogue; Notes; Ziyarat; Acknowledgments › EDIT. At the death of the Muawiyah I, Husayn was forced out of Mecca due to the assassins that were sent by Muawiyah's son Yazid I to kill Husayn during pilgrimage; thus, Husayn went to Kufa by the invitation of the people of Kufa for him to claim the leadership of the Muslim community. While captive in Damascus, Zaynab held the first majils, or lamentation assembly in the palace of Yazid to mourn the loss of her beloved brother Husayn.[4]. There is no doubt that Hadrat Zainab (as) is the shining sun in the history of Islam and of humanity. Ed. [7], This comment is representative of a larger sermon attributed to Zaynab in which she condemns Yazid and many of his actions, specifically focusing on his treatment of the household of the Prophet. Zaynab was the third child of Ali and Fatimah. Hän on siksi omien ansioidensa lisäksi tunnettu sukulaisuudestaan Muhammediin ja sukulinjan jatkamisesta. الـسَّـيّـدة زَيـنـب بـنـت عـلي ), myös: Zaynab oli neljännen kalifin Ali ibn Abi Talibin ja Fatima Zahran tytär. … Of honorable lineage is the eloquent Zaynab. Zaynab bint Ali razi Allah anha was born in Madina in the 5th year of Hijrah on 5 th Jumada al-awwal. The ritual of majils, or lamentation assembly mourning the deaths of the Prophetic line, is still practiced as an integral part of Shi’i Islam. The daughter of the imam and honorable parents. The Islamic Prophet Muhammad was her maternal grandfather, and thus she is a member of his Ahl al-Bayt. Box 730, Blanco, Tx. Trans. Zaynab bint Ali (Arabic: زينب بنت علي ) was the daughter of the Rashid Caliph and first Shi'i Imam, Ali and granddaughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatimah. She is best known for her courageous and eloquent role supporting her brother, the second Sh ī ʿ ah Im ā m Ḥ usayn, at the time of his martyrdom in the Battle of Karbala, and for protecting his family in the following months of … Victory of Truth : The Life of Zaynab bint 'Ali by Ahlulbayt Organization (Jan 3, 2014) Wiki information Zaynab: Zaynab bint Ali Deceased Person, Person. Zaynab was the third child of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib and his wife (Muhammad's daughter) Fatimah. They had two children, Ali, who died in childhood, and daughter Umama. Zaynab bint Ali (d. 681) Daughter of Fatimah and Ali. Zaynab bint Ali (Arabic: زينب بنت علي ) was the daughter of the Islamic caliph, Ali (Ali ibn Abu Talib), and granddaughter of Islamic prophet, Muhammad through his daughter Fatimah. There is some historical evidence suggesting Zaynab lived in Cairo near the end of her life.[10]. Preface. Immediately download the Zaynab bint Ali summary, chapter-by-chapter analysis, book notes, essays, quotes, character descriptions, lesson plans, and more - everything you need for studying or teaching Zaynab bint Ali. and continued teaching even after moving to Kufa. Zaynab is an influential and an honorable personality of Islam. She is the daughter of al-Zahra’, the daughter of Ahmed. Wilaadat (Birth): Wafaat (Death): Just like Hassan (RA) and Hussain (RA), she was also named by Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Ṭabarī, Muḥammad Ibn-Ǧarīr Aṭ-. Zainab bint Younus. Sources suggest she was born in Medinain the 5th year of the Hijrah(Wednesday, 5 Jumada al-awwal, 5 AH/October 2, 626 CE Julian calendar. In writing on Zaynab bint Ali, 'alayha 's-salam, we must first bear in mind an unalterable fact: that is, despite the efforts of numerous biographers, very little actual recorded historical fact is available about her. In Muslim views, she is a great figure of sacrifice and strength. With these words Hadrat Zainab bint Ali (as) confronted the people of Kufa who betrayed their Imam in Karbala. Sayyida Zaynab bint Ali (peace be upon them) Name: Zaynab Title: al-Aqilah Kunya: al-Hawraa ’ Father: Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbut) Mother: Sayyida Fatimah bint Muhammad (p) Born: 5 Jamadi al-Awwal, 5 A.H. Death: 15 Rajab, 62 AH Age at Death: 57 Buried: Damascus, Syria (per most historians), however, it is also said that she was buried in Madinah, in the Arabian Peninsula, or Cairo, Egypt. However, Zainab bint Ali’s (p) nobility was also rooted in her own moral excellence. She witnessed the martyrdom of her own children, her nephews, companions, and most significantly her beloved brothers Abbas ibn Ali Talib (p) and Imam al-Hussain (p). Zainab bint Muhammad. The morning sun and the daughter of the two worlds. Zaynab al … This was an extreme indignity to inflict on a high-ranking Muslim woman, the granddaughter of Muhammad. According to Shi'ah Muslims, she accompanied her father when he traveled from Mecc… To … Sayyida Zaynab bint Ali (p) With parents such as Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (p) and Sayyida Fatima (p) and grandparents such as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Lady Khadija (p), there is no doubt that the upbringing of Sayyida Zaynab (p) would be beyond exemplary. Sayyida … She was born in Madina, om 5 Jumada al awwal, 5 AH (October 2) 626 CE Julian calendar. Like her two elder brothers Hassan and Husayn, Zaynab was named by the Prophet Muhammad [1], The name "Zaynab" means "the adornment of her father" (Baap ki Zeenat in Urdu). Because Zayn was the only one of Husayn’s sons to survive the Battle of Karbala, this courageous action was pivotal in preserving the survival of an important part of ‘Ali genetic line and thus the future Imams in Shi’a Islam. The Qurayshpressured Abu al-As to divorce Zainab, saying they would give him any woman he liked in exchange, but Abu al-As said that he did not want any other woman, a stance for which Muhammad commended him… Therefore, she was buried in the same burnt, ripped clothes right there in the Dungeon of Syria. His shrine is found within the compound of Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque and is regularly visited by many Iranian pilgrims. Zaynab bint Khuzaymah (Arabic: زينب بنت خزيمة ), also known as Umm al-Masakin, "Mother of the Poor", born 595) was one of the wives of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.As a result of her early death, less is known about her than any of his other wives. Zaynab accompanied him, as did most of his household. She was married to Abdullah ibn Ja’far (RA), who was the nephew of Ali (RA). He built this beautiful mosque himself. According; important and biggest mosques in the history of Egypt. There is some debate over whether she was born on the 5th of Jumada al-awwal or the 1st of Sha'aban of the Islamic Calendar. With these words Hadrat Zainab bint Ali (as) confronted the people of Kufa who betrayed their Imam in Karbala. Zaynab bint Ali (Arabic: زينب بنت علي Also: Zainab, Zeinab, or with the title Sayyeda/Sayyidah meaning "Lady" to show respect) was one of the daughters of the Rashid Caliph and first Shi'i Imam, Ali and his first wife Fatima. After Husayn and all his 72 companions were brutally killed at the Battle of Karbala by the order of Yazid, Zaynab was taken captive by the army of Yazid, Muawiyah's son and successor. Zainab (RA) had five children, four sons Ali (RA), Aun (RA), Muhammad (RA), and Abbas (RA) and a daughter Umm Kulthum (RA). All the ladies huddled around her, and the … She was the daughter of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatimah bint Mohammad and the maternal granddaughter of the Holy Prophet sall’ Allahu alayhi wa’alihi wasallam. The Life of Zaynab bint 'Ali . Lady Zaynab bore her husband Abdullah ibn Ja’far three sons: Ja’far, Ali, and Awn the senior and two girls, Umm Kulthoum and Umm Abdullah. Muhammad the Islamic prophet was her maternal grandfather, and thus she is a member of ahl al-bayt (the household of Muhammad), and is therefore often revered not only for her admirable characteristics and actions … Three of Ali’s daughters were in fact named Zaynab so sometimes the Zaynab we are concerned with is referred to as “Zaynab the elder”[2]. The name is an honor to Sayyida Zaynab bint … Zaynab binte Ali (Arabic: زينب بنت علي ) was the daughter of the Islamic caliph, Ali (Ali ibn Abu Talib), and granddaughter of Islamic prophet, Muhammad through his daughter Fatimah. Her early years were said to have been spent in Medina. Zaynab, from the Arabic word for beauty and the name of a flowering tree, was the name of a granddaughter, daughter and two wives of the Prophet Muhammed. Just like Hassan (RA) and Hussain (RA), she was also named by Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Like her two elder brothers Hassan and Husayn, Zaynab was named by the Prophet Muhammad The name "Zaynab" means "the adornment of her father" (Baap ki Zeenat in Urdu). Umm Kulthum bint Ali. Print. The Fatimid/Dawoodi Bohra support the claim that Zaynab is buried in Cairo. ʿAlī (Arabic: زینب بنت علي) (b. XIX. Life of Zainab Bint Ali (RA) She was born in Madina, om 5 Jumada al awwal, 5 AH (October 2) 626 CE Julian calendar. In Muslim views, she is a great figure of sacrifice and strength. In Iran, her birthday is recognized as Nurse's Day. The Prophet Muhammad was her maternal grandfather and thus she is a member of ahl al-bayt (the household of the Prophet Muhammad) and is therefore often revered not only for her admirable characteristics and actions but also for her membership in and continuation of the biological line of the Prophet. Sources suggest she was born in Medina in the 5th year of the Hijra (Wednesday, 5 Jumada al-awwal, 5 AH/October 2, 626 AD Julian calendar. 4 Emotional Stories Of Muhammad Prophet (PBUH) You Should Know, 7 things you should know about Fatima Bint Muhammad (RA), Sri Lanka Starts Cremating Muslim Babies Dying from Coronavirus, Dua For Coronavirus – Protection From Coronavirus, Prophet Muhammad PBUH Loved Cats and Muezza Was His Favorite Cat, Mosque Imam Beaten to Death in Germany By Unidentified Attackers, 7 Prayers To Get Married Soon – Useful Best Dua for Marriage, Events and Importance of Jamadi ul Awwal Islamic Month, Best Dua for Job with Success, Perfect Dua for Getting Job. Tradition says that Zaynab, already in anguish due to the death of her brother Husayn and her sons Aun and Muhammad, was forced to march unveiled. of New York Pr., 1990. I.K.A. Howard. Zaynab bint Ali, also spelled Zainab, was the daughter of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatimah bint Muhammad. The Prophet Muhammad was her maternal grandfather and thus she is a member of ahl al-bayt (the household of the Prophet Muhammad) and is therefore often revered not only for her … With these words Hadrat Zainab bint Ali (as) confronted the people of Kufa who betrayed their Imam in Karbala. ZAYNAB BINT ʿ AL Ī. ZAYNAB BINT ʿ AL Ī (c. ah 5 – 62; 626/7 – 682 ce), daughter of ʿ Al ī ibn Ab ī Ṭ ā lib and F ā ṭ imah al-Zahr ā ʾ, was the first granddaughter of the prophet Mu ḥ ammad. Published on 5th July, 2002. Someone once asked Hakimah bint Muhammad ibn Ali (p) if a woman was capable of being entrusted with someone’s will. The History of Al-Tabarī: The Caliphate of Yazid B. Mu'awiyah. Three of Ali’s daughters were in fact named Zaynab so sometimes the Zaynab we a… Support Us. The Islamic Nabi (Arabic: نَـبِي, Prophet) Muhammad was her maternal grandfather, and thus she is a member of his Bayt (Arabic: بَـيـت, Household). 626 CE). In Muslim views, she is a great figure of sacrifice and strength. 5/626 - d. 62/682) the daughter of Imam Ali (a) and the Lady Fatima al-Zahra' (a), and 'Abd Allah b. Ja'far's wife.She and her two sons accompanied Imam al-Husayn (a) on the Event of 'Ashura' where her two sons were martyred and she was taken as captive to Kufa and then to Damascus.Her sermons in Kufa and Damascus (in front of Yazid) are very famous.Due to many … 626 CE). Another illustration of Zaynab’s pious defiance was when a Syrian in Yazid’s court demanded that he be given one of the younger captive girls, Fatima Kubra*. Hz Zainab bint Muhammad (RA) was the eldest daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Hz Khadijah (RA). Zaynab bint Ali (Arabic language: زينب بنت علي Also: Zainab, Zeinab, or with the title Sayyeda/Sayyidah meaning “Lady” to show respect) was one of the daughters of the Rashid Caliph and first Shi'i Imam, Ali and his first wife Fatima. Her titles includes Sakina, Ma‘sūmah, Aatika, Kulthūm, and Zaynab. In many ways Zaynab functioned as a model of defiance against oppression and other forms of injustice. When Zaynab came of age, she was married to her first cousin Abdullah ibn Ja'far, a nephew of Ali, in a simple ceremony. Partridge Green, Horsham: Balagha, 1981. Ismaili Shia/ Dawoodi Bohra believe that this mausoleum is of Sayyida Zainab-ul sughra/ Sayyida Kulthum, the younger sister of Zainab, … Ali Shariati, the Iranian ideologue of the Islamic Revolution of 1979, had wished before his death, to be buried in the yard of Zaynab bint Ali, the descendant of Muhammad and beloved daughter of Imam Ali. Sources suggest she was born in Medina in the 5th year of the Hijra (i.e. When the caravan of captives entered Kufa, people gathered to see the caravan. Related names include the simplified forms Zaina and Zayna and the Swahili-inflected Zainabu, along with possibly Zenobia, a name related to the Greek mythological god Zeus. Biography or Seerah of Zaynab bint Ali (sa), Sayeda Zainab al-Kubra (sa), Sayyida Zeinab (as) Victory of Truth: The Life of Zaynab bint Ali (sa), Hazrat Zainab daughter of Imam Ali (as) Hazrat Zainab (pbuh) the daughter of Imam Ali (pbuh) and Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) and the granddaughter of Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh), reflected in her character the best attributes … She married her maternal cousin, Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi', before December 610, and Khadija gave her a wedding present of an onyx necklace. There is some debate over whether she was born on the 5th of Jumada al-awwal or the 1st of Sha'aban of the Islamic Calendar. 570, Karachi 1, Pakistan Distributed by Zahra Publications P.O. Her most famous name is "Zaynab", which literally means "a scenic tree with a beautiful fragrance". Zaynab bint Ali (Arabic: زَيْنَب ٱبْنَت عَلِيّ, Zaynab ibnat Alīy), also spelled Zainab, was the daughter of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatimah bint Muhammad. According to one of her biographies, The Victory of Truth, she started this practiced in Medina and later continued it when she moved with her father and family to Kufa. Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque (Arabic: ... to be buried in the yard of Zaynab bint Ali, the descendant of Muhammad and beloved daughter of Imam Ali. As the grave was being filled up after the burial the mother let out a scream. She was the granddaughter of our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Here we have listed Zaynab bint Ali (sa) life stories, Hazrat Zainab daughter of Imam Ali (as). The sermon is very eloquent and is reminiscent of the work in Qur'anic exegesis Zaynab did with other women in Medina and Kufa. Visit our, Subscribe to Islamic Information via Email, These Are The Minor Signs Of The Judgement Day, 3 Miracles Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at Cave of Thawr. This is the tomb of the sister of the two moons. After they have been presented in the court of Yazid, Zainab (RA) said a Khutba (Sermon), which still Muslims all around the world and get inspired by the references and words she used to counter Yazid’s misbehavior. Because of the sacrifice, she made in the battle of Karbala, she was named “Heroine of Karbala”. I.K.A. The light of existence and the master of the two beings . We wish to acknowledge the Peermohammed Ebrahim Trust for suggesting that we produce this book to commemorate the birth … Sermon of Zaynab bint Ali in the court of Yazid are the statements made by Zaynab bint Ali in the presence of Yazid I in the aftermath of the Battle of Karbala ... More info. Prophet Adam (AS) First Footprint Is In Sri Lanka, Have a Look! [4], The exact date and place of her death is not clear but it is probable that she died in the year 62 A.H. some six months after her return to Medina. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Zaynab bint Ali was one of the daughters of the Rashid Caliph and first Shia Imam, Ali and his first wife Fatimah. By the time her (RA) mother (RA) died, she was just 7 years old. To fully … Lady Zaynab bint Ali ('a) By Zaynab El-Fatah and S. Abidin Poetry- unknown author . © 2021 The Islamic Information - All Rights Reserved - Duplication Not Allowed, This website uses cookies. Zaynab Bint Ali (PBUH), daughter of Ali ibn Abi Talib (PBUH) and Faimah al-Zahra (PBUH), was the first granddaughter of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) She is best known for her courageous and eloquent role supporting her brother, the second Shia Imam Hussein, at the time of his martyrdom in the Battle of Karbala, and for protecting his family in the following months of Umayyad … Although Zaynab's husband was a man of means, the couple is said to have lived a modest life. [3] Abdullah was sometimes called "the sea of munificence" or "the cloud of munificence". Her children were Muawiya, Awn, Munqidh, Ibrahim, Harith, Rabta, Khadija, Sukhayla, Amina, Safiya. Oral tradition about Zaynab [a.s.] has gradually evolved to a point-of subjective … [3], Til'la e Zaynab (place from where Zaynab saw battle of martyred Husain), Karbala, Sayyidah Zaynab-ul-Kubra Mosque, Damascus. She was the third child of Ali (RA)’s first wife Fatimah Bint Muhammad (RA). Sayyida Zaynab bint Ali (p) With parents such as Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (p) and Sayyida Fatima (p) and grandparents such as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Lady Khadija (p), there is no doubt that the upbringing of Sayyida Zaynab (p) would be beyond exemplary. Print. As per a biography, The Victory of Truth, She (RA) used to teach the Quran to the women. Sermon of Zaynab bint Ali in the court of Yazid are the statements made by Zaynab bint Ali in the presence of Yazid I in the aftermath of the Battle of; Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque Arabic: مسجد السيدة زينب is a mosque located in the city of Sayyidah Zaynab in the southern suburbs of Damascus, Syria. Some suggest that her grave can be found within Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque in Damascus, Syria. [6] Zaynab cleverly diffuses this situation by suggesting that Syrian man is not worthy and does not have that type of authority. She was married to Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi, who belonged to the Abd ash-Shams clan of the Quraysh. Zaynab bint Ali held the still child as Ali ibn Hussain dug a grave for his sister in the dungeon. It is believed by most of the people across the world that Prophet Adam AS was the first human being... Judgement Day is a thing on which all the Muslims have to believe in, and for this day to come,... Thawr cave is located in the latter part of Makkah. Lady Zaynab is well known: her maternal grandfather is our master … Sayeda Sakina's clothes were burnt in Karbala, and due to injuries, had intermingled with her flesh. Birth, Name, Title, and Lineage She is the daughter of Imam 'Ali (a) and the Lady Fatima al-Zahra' (a). The Islamic Information is your authentic platform for getting Islamic Articles, News, Duas, and much more. [4][5] Moved by Zaynab’s action, the captors spared Zayn’s life. Sources suggest she was born in Medina in the 5th year of the Hijra (i.e. Zaynab was the third child of Ali ibn Abi Talib and his wife (Muhammad's daughter) Fatimah. Some sources suggest it was Zaynab's sister, Umm Kulthum, who acted on Fatimah’s behalf in the case of the Syrian, not Zaynab. New York: St. Martin's, 1998. Howard. your own Pins on Pinterest Her sisters included Fāṭimah aṣ-Ṣughrá and Fāṭimah al-Kubráalso known as Sakinah. "Balaghatun Nisa", by Abul Fazl Ahmad bin Abi Tahir, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2014, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, "Sermon of Lady Zaynab in the court of Yazid", Speech said to have been given by Zaynab to Yazid,, In Iran, her birthday is recognized as Nurse's Day possibly because she nursed children such as Husayn’s son ‘Ali among others. 78606, U.S.A. ISBN 0-88059-151-X Pakistan . Even the exact dates of her birth, death, marriage, or number of children, cannot be ascertained with complete confidence. There is no doubt that Hadrat Zainab … Her brothers included Ali ibn Husayn, Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn, Ali Asghar ibn Husayn. "Zaynab Bint 'Ali and the Place of the Women of the Households of the First Imams in Shi'ite Devotional Literature." ZAYNAB BINT ʿ AL Ī (c. ah 5 – 62; 626/7 – 682 ce), daughter of ʿ Al ī ibn Ab ī Ṭ ā lib and F ā ṭ imah al-Zahr ā ʾ, was the first granddaughter of the prophet Mu ḥ ammad. In Iran, her birthday is recognized as Nurse's Day. Sayeda Sakina was born on 20 Rajab, 56 AH. Alternatively, many Sunnis believe her grave can be found within a different mosque (which also titled "Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque") that is located in Cairo. In Iran, her birthday is recognized as Nurse's Day. Islamilainen Nabi (arab. º Lady of Faith: ºAuspicious Birth Anniverary of Zaynab (a') ºLady Zaynab's (a') Speech at Kufa - Quote 1: º Anglo Saxon Chronicles & Lady Zaynab (a') º Lady Zaynab's ('a) Speech at Kufa - Quote 2 ºAt Karbala: ºRising of Imam Hussain & Lady Zaynab ('a) º Zaynab ('a) the Social Worker and Educator. Zaynab Bint Ali (PBUH), daughter of Ali ibn Abi Talib (PBUH) and Fatimah al-Zahra (PBUH), was the first granddaughter of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) She is best known for her courageous and eloquent role supporting her brother, the second Shia Imam Hussein, at the time of his martyrdom in the Battle of Karbala, and for protecting his family in the following months of Umayyad … Therefore, she is often revered not only for her admirable characteristics and … Albany, NY: State Univ. Print. But, Damascus shows the higher claims of being her being buried there. Zaynab and the other survivors of Husayn's expedition, most of them women and children, were marched to Damascus, Yazid's capital, where they were held hostage. [citation needed], The marriage of Zaynab did not diminish her strong attachment to her family. Published by: Zahra Publications Pakistan (1986) G.P.O. His shrine is found within the compound of Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque and is … By continuing to use this website you are giving consent to cookies being used. Their 52nd Dai, Mohammad Burhanuddin, made zarih (a cage-like structure surrounding the tomb) for the shrine in Cairo. We know her best for the crucial role she played during the events of Karbala in 61 A.H. when she was 55 years old. When Yazid claims he has the authority to decide either way, Zaynab issues a scathing retort, answering “You, a commander who has authority, are vilifying unjustly and oppress with your authority”. Sadat Zainab bint'Ali (arab. She (RA) died on 15th Rajab 62 AH and she was just 57 years old. Zaynab is among the prominent granddaughters of the Prophet Mohammed, and her fame in Islamic history derives from her passionate and eloquent defense of her family and in particular her brother, al-Hussain, the martyred hero of the Battle of Karbala (680). In this sermon, Zaynab admonished the people of Kufa for breaking their promises to Imam Hussain and failed to support the Imam. Even the exact dates of her birth, death, marriage, or number of children, cannot be ascertained with complete confidence. She was a daughter of ῾Ali ibn Abi Talib, … Zaynab bint Ali (Arabic: زَيْنَب ٱبْنَت عَلِيّ , Zaynab ibnat ʿAlīy; 3 August 626 – 682), also spelled Zainab, was the daughter of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatimah bint Muhammad.The Islamic Prophet Muhammad was her maternal grandfather, and thus she is a member of his Ahl al-Bayt.She is often revered not only for her characteristics and actions, but also for her membership in, and continuation …
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