Nous ignorons si c'est en -37, au retour de cette expédition, que Cléopâtre et Antoine se marient, ou en -34 lors du triomphe célébrée à Alexandrie. [186][187] Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March (15 March 44 BC), but Cleopatra stayed in Rome until about mid-April, in the vain hope of having Caesarion recognized as Caesar's heir. the asp) rises between her legs, Eros floats above, and Anton, the alleged ancestor of the Antonian family, looks on in despair as his descendant Antony is led to his doom. Le buste de Cherchell, réalisé bien après sa mort, à l'occasion du mariage de sa fille, Cléopâtre Séléné, avec le roi Juba II de Maurétanie, est idéalisé. [3][411] These similar facial features followed an artistic convention that represented the mutually-observed harmony of a royal couple. Hij en Cleopatra hadden nog een kind, Ptolemaeus Philadelphus. Mogelijk heeft Rome een damnatio memoriae over Cleopatra uitgeroepen; er is namelijk weinig kunst van haar gevonden die stamt uit de tijd toen zij nog leefde. Voor of net na haar terugkeer naar Egypte stierf Ptolemaeus XIV. [379][380] The Roman History published by the official and historian Cassius Dio in the early 3rd century AD, while failing to fully comprehend the complexities of the late Hellenistic world, nevertheless provides a continuous history of the era of Cleopatra's reign. Il consume ses forces en banquets, beuveries et fêtes somptueuses sans se soucier de la situation. Le jugement que porte sur elle Flavius Josèphe au Ier siècle est révélateur[4] : « Elle fit d'Antoine l'ennemi de sa patrie par la corruption de ses charmes amoureux ». [249] By the summer of 36 BC, she had given birth to Ptolemy Philadelphus, her second son with Antony. [255][256][note 49] Antony received these troops but told Octavia not to stray east of Athens as he and Cleopatra traveled together to Antioch, only to suddenly and inexplicably abandon the military campaign and head back to Alexandria. Het is niet duidelijk waar Cleopatra is begraven; haar graf is nooit gevonden. [457], Cleopatra appeared in miniatures for illuminated manuscripts, such as a depiction of her and Antony lying in a Gothic-style tomb by the Boucicaut Master in 1409. [204][205][note 45] Cleopatra managed to clear her name as a supposed supporter of Cassius, arguing she had really attempted to help Dolabella in Syria, and convinced Antony to have her exiled sister, Arsinoe IV, executed at Ephesus. C'est en effet une reine qui remet en cause les valeurs de la République romaine ; une femme de caractère et une séductrice constituant un danger pour la virilité et la virtus romaine ; une ambitieuse qui menace la liberté et une étrangère dont l'origine grecque et les mœurs orientales, associées, dans l'esprit de ses adversaires aux notions de débauche et de luxure, sont contraires à la « romanité », notamment à la vertu de pudicitia)[5]. Terwijl ze in ballingschap in Syrië verblijft, regeert de inmiddels 15-jarige Ptolemaeus over Egypte. Er werd vaak gezegd dat Cleopatra een aspisadder gebruikte om zich te doden, maar deze slangensoort komt niet in Egypte voor. [361][238] The fates of Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphus are unknown after this point. en waren ook aanwezig toen Caesar werd vermoord. [291] They also lost the support of Malichus I, which would prove to have strategic consequences. [304] Octavian was impressed by his speech and sense of loyalty, so he allowed him to maintain his position in Judea, further isolating Antony and Cleopatra. Souhaite-t-il garder en otage les deux souverains d'un État dont les ressources en blé sont vitales à Rome ? Les tribulations du règne précédent apprennent ainsi à la future reine à utiliser tous les moyens pour se débarrasser de ses adversaires ou de ceux qui gênent ses projets, comme son jeune frère Ptolémée XIV en -44. Elle s'appuie par ailleurs sur les indigènes égyptiens pour assurer les droits de Césarion à la succession[62]. Sindsdien wordt gezegd dat het schilderij onderdeel uitmaakte van een collectie in Cortona, maar het lijkt erop dat alle sporen naar dit schilderij verloren zijn gegaan, een stille verdwijning die doet vermoeden dat het een namaak betrof. Ze was mede-heerseres over Egypte naast haar vader Ptolemaeus XII Auletes, haar broers/echtgenoten Ptolemaeus XIII Theos Philopator, Ptolemaeus XIV Theos Philopator II en later haar zoon Ptolemaeus XV Caesarion. Cleopatra probeerde om een rebellie te organiseren rond Pelusium, maar zij werd spoedig gedwongen om Egypte te ontvluchten. [237][238] In order to stabilize the east, Antony not only enlarged Cleopatra's domain,[236] he also established new ruling dynasties and client rulers who would be loyal to him, yet would ultimately outlast him. Nul doute qu'Octave craint Marc Antoine et sa popularité, encore forte au Sénat, mais le triomphe d'Antoine en -35[43] et la désignation de Ptolémée XV Césarion comme roi des rois lui font envisager un danger plus vaste encore. Si Césarion est exécuté sur ordre d'Octave, les trois autres enfants d'Antoine et Cléopâtre sont emmenés à Rome (ils sont exposés lors du triomphe d'Octave) et élevés par Octavie, restée fidèle à la mémoire de son époux, Marc Antoine. [472] In addition to her portrayal as a "vampire" queen, Bara's Cleopatra also incorporated tropes familiar from 19th-century Orientalist painting, such as despotic behavior, mixed with dangerous and overt female sexuality. Cleopatra was aanwezig met haar eigen vloot, maar toen zij zag dat de slecht uitgeruste schepen van Antonius begonnen te verliezen van de superieure Romeinen, koos zij het hazenpad. [63][54][64][note 21] When the Roman Senate denied Ptolemy XII the offer of an armed escort and provisions for a return to Egypt, he decided to leave Rome in late 57 BC and reside at the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus. Het verhaal van Cleopatra heeft diverse schrijvers en artiesten door de eeuwen heen gefascineerd. [257][217] Octavian's confidence grew as he eliminated his rivals in the west, including Sextus Pompeius and even Lepidus, the third member of the triumvirate, who was placed under house arrest after revolting against Octavian in Sicily. Cléopâtre est aussi présente dans la série Rome, où elle a les traits de Lyndsey Marshal, qui campe un personnage autoritaire et prêt à tout pour sauver son royaume. [233] However, Cleopatra's position in Egypt was secure. [282][269] Octavian highlighted parts of the will, such as Caesarion being named heir to Caesar, that the Donations of Alexandria were legal, that Antony should be buried alongside Cleopatra in Egypt instead of Rome, and that Alexandria would be made the new capital of the Roman Republic. Elle entreprend de rétablir l'autorité de l'Égypte sur Chypre, qui a été cédée à Rome par Ptolémée XII en −59. Haar familie was oorspronkelijk van Grieks en Macedonische afkomst. [440], The Bust of Cleopatra in the Royal Ontario Museum represents a bust of Cleopatra in the Egyptian style. 86 en App. [488][35] The confused accounts in ancient primary sources have also led scholars to number Ptolemy XII's wife as either Cleopatra V or Cleopatra VI; the latter may have actually been a daughter of Ptolemy XII, and some use her as an indication that Cleopatra V had died in 69 BC rather than reappearing as a co-ruler with Berenice IV in 58 BC (during Ptolemy XII's exile in Rome). Caesar overwinterde in Egypte in 48–47 v.Chr. Ils ont été frappés à Alexandrie, Chypre, Cyrène et dans divers ateliers du Proche-Orient actuel (Ascalon, Chalcis du Liban, Damas, Tripoli, Dora, Orthosia). [392] Although the common view of Cleopatra was one of a prolific seductress, she had only two known sexual partners, Caesar and Antony, the two most prominent Romans of the time period, who were most likely to ensure the survival of her dynasty. [306] Cleopatra requested that her children should inherit Egypt and that Antony should be allowed to live in exile in Egypt, offered Octavian money in the future, and immediately sent him lavish gifts. [228], Relations between Antony and Cleopatra perhaps soured when he not only married Octavia, but also sired her two children, Antonia the Elder in 39 BC and Antonia Minor in 36 BC, and moved his headquarters to Athens. Caesar then attempted to reconcile the rival Ptolemaic siblings, but Ptolemy's chief adviser Potheinos viewed Caesar's terms as favoring Cleopatra, so his forces besieged her and Caesar at the palace. [258][260] Antony then held a military parade in Alexandria as an imitation of a Roman triumph, dressed as Dionysus and riding into the city on a chariot to present the royal prisoners to Cleopatra, who was seated on a golden throne above a silver dais. [179][180] Sosigenes of Alexandria, one of the members of Cleopatra's court, aided Caesar in the calculations for the new Julian calendar, put into effect 1 January 45 BC. Het overtuigde de Senaat om een oorlog te beginnen tegen Egypte. [268][267][note 50] Antony sent a report to Rome requesting ratification of these territorial claims, now known as the Donations of Alexandria. [56] A highly similar painted bust of a woman with a blue headband in the House of the Orchard at Pompeii features Egyptian-style imagery, such as a Greek-style sphinx, and may have been created by the same artist. Fulvie, sa femme, est morte opportunément quelque temps plus tôt. La multiplication des révoltes indigènes, la perte de Chypre et de la Cyrénaïque, la dévaluation de la tétradrachme (une première depuis Ptolémée Ier) dont la valeur en argent passe de 90 % à 33 %, font de ce règne l'un des plus calamiteux de la dynastie. [305][303] However, these plans were ultimately abandoned when Malichus I, as advised by Octavian's governor of Syria, Quintus Didius, managed to burn Cleopatra's fleet in revenge for his losses in a war with Herod that Cleopatra had largely initiated. Marc Antoine est l'un des officiers qui ont participé au rétablissement de Ptolémée XII en -55 ; mais il est peu probable qu'ils se soient fréquentés, Cléopâtre n'ayant à l'époque qu'une quinzaine d'années, même si Appien indique qu'Antoine a déjà remarqué la future reine[i]. Zij was de derde van vier dochters van koning Ptolemaeus XII Auletes, met wie zij in eerste instantie samen regeerde. [134][135][136] Caesar then brought Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII before the assembly of Alexandria, where Caesar revealed the written will of Ptolemy XII—previously possessed by Pompey—naming Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII as his joint heirs. There is academic disagreement on whether the following portraits are considered "heads" or "busts". [102][104] Cleopatra seems to have attempted a short-lived alliance with her brother Ptolemy XIV, but by the autumn of 50 BC Ptolemy XIII had the upper hand in their conflict and began signing documents with his name before that of his sister, followed by the establishment of his first regnal date in 49 BC. [437] A steel engraving published by John Sartain in 1885 depicting the painting as described in the archaeological report shows Cleopatra wearing authentic clothing and jewelry of Egypt in the late Hellenistic period,[438] as well as the radiant crown of the Ptolemaic rulers, as seen in their portraits on various coins minted during their respective reigns. [453] His depiction of Cleopatra and Antony, her shining knight engaged in courtly love, has been interpreted in modern times as being either playful or misogynistic satire. [302] Pinarius had these messengers executed and then defected to Octavian's side, surrendering to him the four legions under his command that Antony desired to obtain. [8][483][484][note 77] While Cleopatra's paternal line can be traced, the identity of her mother is unknown. La qualité du scénario et de l'interprétation, la médiatisation de la star et des soixante-quatre robes qu'elle porte à l'écran, sans compter ses amours avec Richard Burton ni la quasi-faillite de la Fox entraînée par ce film extrêmement coûteux, associent étroitement et pour longtemps encore le visage de l'actrice et celui de la reine d'Égypte. In Renaissance and Baroque art she was the subject of many works including operas, paintings, poetry, sculptures, and theatrical dramas. Sa liaison avec César n'est un mystère pour personne. was koningin van het oude Egypte, het laatste lid van de Ptolemaeïsche dynastie en daarmee de laatste Hellenistische heerseres van Egypte. After defeating Antony and Cleopatra's naval fleet at the 31 BC Battle of Actium, Octavian's forces invaded Egypt in 30 BC and defeated Antony, leading to Antony's suicide. Le chef de la cavalerie de ce dernier est un certain, « Et de fait, on dit que sa beauté en elle-même n'était pas incomparable ni propre à émerveiller ceux qui la voyaient, mais son commerce familier avait un attrait irrésistible, et l'aspect de sa personne, joint à sa conversation séduisante et à la Grâce naturelle répandue dans ses paroles, portait en soi une sorte d'aiguillon. Tous les noms de sa titulature proviennent de la représentation de la naissance de Ptolémée XV sur le temple d'Hermonthis au sud de Thèbes. Quand elle parlait, le son même de sa voix donnait du plaisir. ». The Latinized form Cleopatra comes from the Ancient Greek Kleopátra (Κλεοπάτρα), meaning "glory of her father",[6] from κλέος (kléos, "glory") and πᾰτήρ (patḗr, "father"). [3][417][418], Of the surviving Greco-Roman-style busts and heads of Cleopatra,[note 66] the sculpture known as the "Berlin Cleopatra", located in the Antikensammlung Berlin collection at the Altes Museum, possesses her full nose, whereas the head known as the "Vatican Cleopatra", located in the Vatican Museums, is damaged with a missing nose. [1][417] However, the British Museum head, once belonging to a full statue, could potentially represent Cleopatra at a different stage in her life and may also betray an effort by Cleopatra to discard the use of royal insignia (i.e. De nombreuses lampes à huile sont illustrées de scènes la caricaturant. Aux yeux de la morale romaine, Cléopâtre reste la prostituée de César. [35][497][note 86] Strabo was the only ancient historian who claimed that Ptolemy XII's children born after Berenice IV, including Cleopatra, were illegitimate. Plus lucide que les officiers d'Antoine, elle comprend fort bien qu'Octave ne la dénonce que pour mieux miner le prestige d'Antoine encore important au Sénat[2]. [24][25][26] When Ptolemy IX Lathyros died in late 81 BC, he was succeeded by his daughter Berenice III. [495][note 85] Ernle Bradford writes that Cleopatra challenged Rome not as an Egyptian woman "but as a civilized Greek. [453] However, Chaucer highlighted Cleopatra's relationships with only two men as hardly the life of a seductress and wrote his works partly in reaction to the negative depiction of Cleopatra in De Mulieribus Claris and De Casibus Virorum Illustrium, Latin works by the 14th-century Italian poet Giovanni Boccaccio. Lorsque Cléopâtre sort de l'ombre des dirigeants romains, « elle sort de l'histoire »[1]. [41] The high degree of inbreeding among the Ptolemies is also illustrated by Cleopatra's immediate ancestry, of which a reconstruction is shown below. Nous ignorons depuis quand Cléopâtre, âgée de 29 ans en -41, et le général romain, qui a une quarantaine d'années, se connaissent. Their daughter, Cleopatra Selene, became an important ruler in her own right,, Articles containing Ancient Greek-language text, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles containing Koinē Greek-language text, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles containing Italian-language text, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with TePapa identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 September 2020, at 02:50. J.-C., sous les yeux de son entourage[21]. Mais le jeune roi Ptolémée XIII et ses conseillers jugent sa cause perdue et pensent s'attirer les bonnes grâces du vainqueur en faisant assassiner Pompée à peine a-t-il posé le pied sur le sol égyptien, près de Péluse, le 28 septembre 48 av. Theodotus was found years later in Asia, by Marcus Junius Brutus, and executed. [417][373][418][note 65] This hairstyle, with hair braided back into a bun, is the same as that worn by her Ptolemaic ancestors Arsinoe II and Berenice II in their own coinage. Dio LI.21.3 vertelt dat de "afbeelding" van goud was, en dus helemaal geen schilderij kan zijn. [292] While some in Antony's camp suggested abandoning the naval conflict to retreat inland, Cleopatra urged for a naval confrontation, to keep Octavian's fleet away from Egypt. [7] The masculine form would have been written either as Kleópatros (Κλεόπᾰτρος) or Pátroklos (Πᾰ́τροκλος). [305] Cleopatra planned to relinquish her throne to him, take her fleet from the Mediterranean into the Red Sea, and then set sail to a foreign port, perhaps in India, where she could spend time recuperating. Andere bronnen suggereren dat zij experimenteerde met verschillende vormen van "zelfmoord" op gevangenen. [427], Other possible sculpted depictions of Cleopatra include one in the British Museum, London, made of limestone, which perhaps only depicts a woman in her entourage during her trip to Rome. Le personnage de Cléopâtre apparaît également dans quelques films pornographiques, souvent interprété par des actrices dont l'apparence physique rappelle celle d'Elizabeth Taylor, ainsi que dans certains films comiques ou parodiques, tels Deux heures moins le quart avant Jésus-Christ de Jean Yanne, sorti en 1982, où elle est incarnée par Mimi Coutelier, et Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre d'Alain Chabat, sorti en 2001, où le rôle a été confié à Monica Bellucci. Cléopâtre a été le sujet de nombreux tableaux et dessins, réalisés notamment par Reginald Arthur, Augustin Hirschvogel, Guido Cagnacci, Johann Liss, John William Waterhouse, Jean-André Rixens et Arnaud Courlet de Vregille. [436] A set of double doors on the rear wall of the painting, positioned very high above the people in it, suggests the described layout of Cleopatra's tomb in Alexandria. [312][317][318] It was Proculeius, however, who infiltrated her tomb using a ladder and detained the queen, denying her the ability to burn herself with her treasures. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Double série de mèches torsadées partant des tempes et réunies en chignon à l'arrière de la tête. Les derniers mois de son règne sont assez méconnus. )", "194 Marble head of a Ptolemaic queen with vulture headdress", "The Political History of Iran Under the Arsacids", "HRH Cleopatra: the Last of the Ptolemies and the Egyptian Paintings of Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema", "197 Marble portrait, perhaps of Cleopatra VII's daughter, Cleopatra Selene, Queen of Mauretania", "262 Veiled head from a marble portrait statue", "Dying Like a Queen: the Story of Cleopatra and the Asp(s) in Antiquity", "Searching for Cleopatra's image: classical portraits in stone", "The Great Seducer: Cleopatra, Queen and Sex Symbol", "The Amazing Afterlife of Cleopatra's Love Potions", "324 Gilded silver dish, decorated with a bust perhaps representing Cleopatra Selene", "325 Painting with a portrait of a woman in profile", "Glamour Girls: Cleomania in Mass Culture", Ancient Roman depictions of Cleopatra VII of Egypt, How History and Hollywood Got 'Cleopatra' Wrong, Cleopatra's Daughter: While Antony and Cleopatra have been immortalised in history and in popular culture, their offspring have been all but forgotten. Commence alors une liaison de dix ans, sans doute l'une des plus célèbres de l'Histoire, même s'il est difficile de savoir quelle est la part de calcul dans l'attitude d'Antoine, lequel a besoin de l'Égypte pour ses projets. Mais ce tournant dans la politique lagide aboutit à une impasse, car Cléopâtre est emportée par la guerre civile entre Marc Antoine et Octave. When he died in 51 BC, the joint reign of Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy XIII began, but a falling-out between them led to open civil war. Il conclut avec ce dernier la paix de Brindes en octobre -40 et épouse sa sœur, Octavie[l]. In de herfst van 48 v.Chr. [1][417] The woman in this portrait has facial features similar to others (including the pronounced aquiline nose), but lacks a royal diadem and sports a different hairstyle. Ptolemy I, Ptolemy II (r.285-246 BCE… Toen hij Alexandrië naderde, deserteerden de legers van Antonius naar Octavianus. [290][289], Cleopatra and Antony had the support of various allied kings, but Cleopatra had already been in conflict with Herod, and an earthquake in Judea provided him with an excuse to be absent from the campaign. L'une des innovations majeures du monnayage de Cléopâtre est aussi d'avoir, pour la première fois, fait apparaître la valeur fiduciaire de la monnaie, au revers des pièces de bronzes. Il fait enterrer la tête de Pompée dans le bosquet de Némésis en bordure du mur est de l'enceinte d'Alexandrie. [473] Colbert's character of Cleopatra served as a glamour model for selling Egyptian-themed products in department stores in the 1930s, targeting female moviegoers. [296] Antony followed Cleopatra and boarded her ship, identified by its distinctive purple sails, as the two escaped the battle and headed for Tainaron. "[496], Claims that Cleopatra was an illegitimate child never appeared in Roman propaganda against her. [56] Her hair and facial features are similar to those in the sculpted Berlin and Vatican portraits as well as her coinage. Diverses interprétations sont possibles quant à cette épiclèse divine[15] : soit Cléopâtre est l'objet d'un culte spécifique (sachant tout de même que les Lagides en sont déjà l'objet), soit il s'agit pour elle de s'inscrire comme le successeur de Cléopâtre Théa, fille de Ptolémée VI, qui a épousé successivement trois rois séleucides, afin de montrer son ambition à contrôler les territoires qui ont autrefois formé le royaume séleucide.
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