rodolphus lestrange parents

Je comprends que mes parents ont décidé de faire de nos fiançailles un cadeau de Noël, je sais que Andromeda n'a pas encore reçu le sien. Bellatrix x Rodolphus Lestrange. Elle combat à ses côtés dans les deux guerres qui ont secoué la communauté magique et s'est illustrée par la violence et la cruauté de ses actes, se bâtissant une réputation à craindre. One of those other branches could have the parents of the Lestrange who went to Hogwarts with Tom Riddle - he might not have been born yet, so he may not be on the tree. Although THIEBAUT LESTRANGE certainly loved Rabastan, it was clear Rodolphus was his golden boy who would follow him into office, the heir and the spare as they say. Her real parents were Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, but since they are locked up in Azkaban the six professors decided to take her in. Her is Druella Black, her father is Cygnus Black. Rabastan as a Death Eater e refugee and Charlotte as a newly formed witch. You young people, think you know everything. He explictly refers to a 'subhuman' class, and teaches his followers are essentially Ubermensche, … She is a death eater who believes that Lord Voldemort is the supreme and everyone should follow him. May 22, 1979) is a pure-blood witch and the daughter to two, very well known, sadistic Death Eaters, Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. Bellatrix joined the Death Eaters as soon as she was able. When Rodolphus attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he was sorted into Slytherin house. For now, I will just owl your parents and take 40 points from Slytherin. Bellatrix's husband, Rodolphus Lestrange, survived the battle, but was sent to Azkaban for his crimes. - Harry! But she is nothing like her parents, she is kind and she had a big heart. 10 Rodolphus Lestrange. Ils ont chacun un caractère très distinct et vous ressemblez forcément à l'un d'eux ! Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. Rodolphus Lestrange. Lestrange is the surname of an ancient pure-blood wizarding family, originally from France but also with branches in Great Britain, and one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Je me fichais bien qu’il soit un ami de mon père ou encore un collègue de feu mon époux. Répartie à Poudlard dans la maison Serpentard, elle s'enrôle rapidement parmi les mangemorts et épouse Rodolphus Lestrange, un sang-pur, dans le cadre d'un mariage arrangé. Bellatrix, the eldest, bought into her parents’ pure-blood mania with a breathtaking completeness. Her heritage was kept secret from her and she only found out the truth about her parents when Rodolphus Lestrange, not at Azkaban anymore, told her so. Lors du passage relatant ce qui précède ce meurtre, Rowling décrit Amycus comme un « homme massif, le regard oblique, les traits étrangement de travers » et ayant « une voix sifflante » et Alecto comme « une petite femme trapue, au sourire avide » . This is a … Isadore Potter or Isadore Black-Lestrange wants revenge on those who killed her Uncle James who she thought was her father till her seventeenth birthday and who separated her from her parents and sent his papa Sirius to Azkaban. Of all the sisters, it was Bellatrix who was the most faithful to her family, and it was she who was utterly irredeemable as a result. Statut: Je suis mariée à Rodolphus Lestrange ♣ Occlumens & Légilimens de très haut niveau ... Ses parents sont Cygnus Black et Druella Rosier. Biographie [modifier | modifier le wikicode] Jeunesse [modifier | modifier le wikicode]. In the Battle of Hogwarts, her parents died. Valentine Lestrange is the only child of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. Il ne peut s'agir de Rodolphus Lestrange ou de Rabastan Lestrange car les dates ne correspondent pas : Tom Jedusor était élève de Poudlard bien avant les deux frères Lestrange. 22.5K 764 34. Signification de son nom : « Bellatrix » signifie en latin « guerrière » ; c’est également le nom d’une brillante étoile de la constellation d’Orion (qui est d’ailleurs le nom de son oncle, le père de Sirius) qui e… Since he was orphaned when his parents were killed at the Battle of Godric's Hollow. Now sit down and write lines for me." Les 2 parents regardais leur fils hurler de douleur sans rien ne pouvoir faire. Sujet: Rodolphus Lestrange #Etre abjecte qui se glisse dans l'ombre...# Mer 7 Aoû - 14:52: の Rodolphus Lestrange … It was a year after he had finished Hogwarts before Bellatrix, his Bella, would finish. She killed Sirius Black and was killed by Molly Weasley. Add to library 2 Discussion. It had always made sense to him, really; he’d always known what his parents had expected from him and his brother, and he’d always known he’d live up to it. Entre eux deux, un lien très fort est établi. She killed Sirius Black and was killed by Molly Weasley. Rodolphus was a pure-blood, like their family, and it was very important to the Blacks to preserve their pure-blood heritage Rodolphus Lestrange, the Monster of Ministry Square; Never Mess with Granny: Aunt Cunegarde, who's pushing 120 at the moment. Bartemius "Barty" Crouch, Junior was captured with Bellatrix Lestrange and Rodolphus Lestrange, who tortured Frank and Alice Longbottom, parents of Neville Longbottom, into insanity. Epoux : Rodolphus Lestrange (OP6). Rodolphus Lestrange was born to the Pure-blood Lestrange Family, in Great Britain, prior to 1964 . When Rodolphus attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in the 1970s, he was sorted into Slytherin house. She is the focus character of the story 'Black Blood Runs Scarlette', by PrincessDaydream77. Elle pesta, envoya un coup de pied dans un meuble. She is the elder sister of Andromeda Tonks and Narcissa Malfoy, and married to Rodolphus Lestrange. At eleven, Bella began attending school at Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin. When he escaped, he decided to flee and refused to help Bellatrix raise Mandy. athenodora 3.72. Cousins et cousines : Sirius Black, Regulus Black. Miss Black and Mr Lestrange, if any of you skip class again, there will be severe consequences. Amber is the daughter of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE L'Homme derrière le masque. She participated in the torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom. Nietzsche Wannabe: The Dark Lord and his dogma. …more. Grands-parents paternels : Pollux Black et Irma Crabbe . Her is Druella Black, her father is Cygnus Black. Il a été arrété avec son frère et sa femme Bellatrix Lestrange, pour avoir jeté le sortilège Doloris sur les auror Frank Londubat et Alice Londubat. feat Emeraude Toubia 25 ans le 11 mai 1951 Anglaise Mangemort Patronus (aucun) Animagus (aucun) Caractère Je suis une jeune femme sadique et complétement folle qui aime torturer et rire de mon sadisme. Elle combat à ses côtés dans les deux guerres qui ont secoué la communauté magique et s'est illustrée par la violence et la cruauté de ses actes, se bâtissant une réputation à craindre. Nom complet : Bellatrix Black/Lestrange. Bellatrix Lestrange is the secondary antagonist of the Harry Potter franchise. [3] Bellatrix Black married into the family only because it was expected of her to make a respectable pure-blood marriage. Fascinée par les forces du Mal, je voue une fidélité impitoyable pour mon maître et l'aime bien en secret. La famille Black est une immense famille de sorciers, respectée de tous, riche et hautaine. Addom Lestrange the biological son of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange is the true heir of Salazar Slytherin. Leta Lestrange vivait 54 ans avant Bellatrix. Summary. Une connaissance de mon père. À la fin du dîner, on rentre au Manoir Lestrange avec les Lestrange, je prends ma chambre, on a décidé depuis peu qu'il serait plus simple pour nous de faire chambre à part avec Rodolphus, ce qui est pour mon plus grand plaisir. Pursued by an old friend, how long can she live between the two worlds? When they … After over a decade of living with police officer Sirius, she is thrust back into the world of Tom Riddle's criminal enterprise. However, he later rescues his son as a favour to his dying wife. —————— Elle est très douée en magie. Bellatrix Lestrange, née Black, est une Mangemort s’étant engagée au service de Voldemort. She was born at the end of November. Throughout the original series, Bellatrix is built up to be some sort of soulless, awful person who wreaks havoc indiscriminately with absolutely no regard for the damage she causes. She also used the Cruciatus Curse on Neville Longbottom's parents, well-known Aurors, effectively making them insane. RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE is TWENTY-NINE YEARS OLD and a DEFENCE BARRISTER in THE DEPARTMENT OF MAGICAL LAW ENFORCEMENT at THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC. Une seule nuit qu’ils ont décidé d’oublier, préférant ne pas briser leur lien professionnel. Rodolphus Lestrange et Regulus Black La semaine se terminait dans mon bureau. C’est surement la seule femme au monde pour qui Rodolphus prendrait tous les risques. Bellatrix joined the Death Eaters after graduating from Hogwarts. Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange were devoted to Lord Voldemort so they didn't pay their daughter attention. Delphi was the heir of Slytherin and had Slytherin traits, such as Parseltongue. No. Biographie [modifier | modifier le wikicode] Jeunesse [modifier | modifier le wikicode]. Ashton Lestrange. Frères et soeurs : soeur aînée d’Andromeda Black (elles se ressemblent très fort) et Narcissa Black. "You are saying that you believe that Albus Dumbledore had cursed my real parents, aunt and uncles, stealing me and giving me away to a Muggle couple." Bellatrix Lestrange. - Que ce passe t'il!? Delphi made it her life goal to return her father to his power. That day changed her life and gave her a purpose that became her greatest secret. She is the elder sister of Andromeda Tonks and Narcissa Malfoy, and married to Rodolphus Lestrange. Il est le frère de Rabastan Lestrange. Hogwarts years When Rodolphus attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry , in the 1970s , he was sorted into Slytherin house. Bellatrix Lestrange, née Black, est une Mangemort s’étant engagée au service de Voldemort. Also, in my Tom Riddle fanfic, I have Rodolphus Lestrange as a character, and I described him in a certain way, which is why I sort of based this Rodolphus off of that Rodolphus. Bellatrix Lestrange, née Black, est une Mangemort s’étant engagée au service de Voldemort. She always was in her parents shadow. Relationships Family. A/N: So I realized that I tend to do these one-shots in the female's POV, which is why I switched it up and did this from Rodolphus's POV. Mais derrière le tueur insensible et froid, c'est un homme complexe, hanté par des images de son enfance. Rodolphus Lestrange (uncle) ... Agamenon's parents met in France. She also used the Cruciatus Curse on Neville Longbottom's parents, well-known Aurors, effectively making them insane. Ajouter. Harry se mit à crier de douleur suite à leur rite. Bellatrix Black was the daughter of Cygnus Black III and Druella Black (nee Rosier). C'est son mari Rodolphus était un Lestrange. Harry Potter fans have been arguing this point since the release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in 2016, but there are several major issues with the idea that Bellatrix Lestrange and Tom Riddle could be parents. La née Black les soumit au Crusio jusqu'à ce qu'ils deviennent fous. A Changed Lestrange by Leo. Rodolphus Lestrange. In spite of her marriage to Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix had a secret child with Lord Voldemort. She was born at the end of November. Rodolphus Lestrange looked for Lord Voldemort after he was first defeated by Harry Potter and joined the battle once again when Voldemort was resurrected. Rodolphus Lestrange. Rodolphus Lestrange was a Slytherin student in the early 1970s and a Death Eater thereafter.He was the brother of Rabastan, husband of Bellatrix (GF27, GF30, OP6).Rodolphus and his brother Rabastan were captured by the Ministry of Magic after their attack on the Longbottoms (November or December 1981) and given a life sentence in Azkaban (GF27, GF33); however, they … Je rentre dans l'immense manoir par un soir pluvieux. Bellatrix Lestrange Harry potter. Il est possible que cela soit … He eventually died in the Battle of Hogwarts. Du moins, la semaine pour plusieurs Aurors. Phoebe Cassiopeia Lestrange (b. Il est un de ceux qui ont torturé Frank et Alice Londubat avec le sortilège Doloris, acte pour lequel il est condamné à vie à la prison d'Azkaban. A second child, Rabasta… Meissa Lestrange had been raised by Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Rolanda Hooch, Poppy Pomfrey and Pomona Sprout. ( She was born in a liaison between Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange. Elle a deux soeurs, Andromeda et Narcissa. Bella, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange had joined Tom thinking that he wanted to do what I had said in the article in the Prophet that came out this morning." Époux de Bellatrix Lestrange, et le frère de Rabastan, tous trois partageant son opinion sur lz supériorité des sang pur. Verre du vendredi Feat. Bellatrix snarled and sat on a desk. Invité. Oncles et tantes : Orion et Walburga Black. Hermione thought that she'd left the seedy underworld aside when she was taken from her parents, Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. Pour ma part, je ne ressentais point de la crainte à son égard. Rodolphus Lestrange est l'un des fidèles Mangemorts de Voldemort. Rodolphus's brother Rabastan and Barty Crouch Jr., they attacked Aurors and Order of the Phoenix members Alice and Frank Longbottom. They tortured the couple with the Cruciatus Curse to the point of insanity, and were subsequently captured and imprisoned in Azkaban prison for this crime. It is possible that he didn't attend Hogwarts at the same time as Rodolphus, as he was not mentioned among a small group of Slytherins and future Death Eaters, as Rodolphus and Bellatrix were. Although he didn't appear in the movies, Rodolphus Lestrange was the husband of Bellatrix Lestrange. Grâce à l'intervention des Détraqueurs, il s'est échappé avec son épouse Bellatrix et … He also spent the majority of his time in Azkaban, alongside his brother Rabastan and his wife Bellatrix Lestrange. lovestory. Avec ses sœurs, Narcissa et Andromeda , elle est baignée dans cette philosophie, et se défendra plus tard de tout lien de parenté avec les " traîtres à leurs sang " de la famille (comme sa propre sœur Andromeda). 1951) was a pureblooded witch, the daughter of Cygnus Black III and Druella Rosier and elder sister of Andromeda Tonks and Narcissa Malfoy. Andromeda poussa un … It’s not clear how he’s related to Corvus Lestrange Sr. but he was born to parents that were Lestranges, since he’s born a Lestrange. Vote. In the Battle of Hogwarts, her parents died. Note moyenne : Publié par athenodora le 13 mars 2018. Test de personnalité Quel mangemort es-tu ? Delphini, also known as Delphi and Delphini Diggory was is the was a half-blood witch, the daughter of Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange. - Je n'en sais rien! Catégorie : Toutes catégories > Cinéma > Horreur, fantastique. It is your upbringing that does it. Elle combat à ses côtés dans les deux guerres qui ont secoué la communauté magique et s'est illustrée par la violence et la cruauté de ses actes, se bâtissant une réputation à craindre. Les mangemort survivants restant sont traqués sans relâche par ces timbrés d'aurors, heureusement que Fol Œil n'est plus de ce monde, ils auront plus de chances de survivre. Continuer la lecture du Chapitre suivant. Scarlette Abigail "Lettie" Lestrange is the only child and daughter of Rodolphus Lestrange and his wife, Bellatrix. Lucius said. Rodolphus joined her and they spent an hour writing 'I will not skip class'. One of those other branches could have the parents of the Lestrange who went to Hogwarts with Tom Riddle - he might not have been born yet, so he may not be on the tree. She was later taken away from the Order in 1980, in fear that she would grow up to be like her parents. She is one of the most powerful dark witches in her time and the one to perform the Cruciatus Curse on Neville Longbottom's parents. After graduating from Hogwarts, she became a Death Eater, fanatically loyal to Lord Voldemort. what happened when she fall in love with Neville Longbottom. Meissa had been going to Beauxbatons for four years. Rodolphus Lestrange was a Slytherin student in the early 1970s and a Death Eater thereafter.He was the brother of Rabastan, husband of Bellatrix (GF27, GF30, OP6).Rodolphus and his brother Rabastan were captured by the Ministry of Magic after their attack on the Longbottoms (November or December 1981) and given a life sentence in Azkaban (GF27, GF33); however, they … Rose Lestrange is the daughter of Bellatrix and Rodolphus. Grands-parents maternels : Mr et Mrs Crabbe (AGB). Cunegarde: I was Slytherin House duelling champion my last five years. Delphini, also known as Delphi and Delphini Diggory was is the was a half-blood witch, the daughter of Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange. She is the one who tortured Neville Longbottoms parents into insanity, along with her husband Rodolphus Lestrange, his brother Rabastan Lestrange, and Barty Crouch Jr. For that, she was imprisoned in Azkaban and then escaped in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix along with nine other Death Eaters. They are related to the Black, Malfoy, Tonks, Lupin, and Rosier families. Une pointure dans ce monde qui en imposait de par sa carrure et sa prestance. What if Bellatrix Lestrange and Rodolphus Lestrange had a daughter Melvina Narcissa Lestrange and what happens if she is Tom Riddle AKA Lord Voldemort's soulmate what will happen will they be a happy ending or not find out. The two met at Hogwarts, and her parents arranged a marriage of convenience. On 2 May 1998, both of her parents were killed in the Battle of Hogwarts. He was raised by his Rodolphus Lestrange. She had two sisters: Narcissa and Andromeda and had a fairly strained relationship with her cousin, Sirius Black. Ses parents sont Druella Rosier et Cygnus Black III. Rodolphus bit his lip thoughtfully, and when he directed his attention back to the grazing horses, he supposed Mary wasn’t all wrong. They lived for a long time at his mansion in France, but when Agamenon was nearing completion of eleven years his father decided they should go back to England. She gave birth at Malfoy Manor just before the Battle of Hogwarts, and after her death, the child named Delphi was given over to be raised by "extreme Death Eater" Euphemia Rowle, who kept a mournful bird known as an Augurey in a cage. Le Seigneur n'est plus, tué par cet avorton de Potter. Mais après l'évasion d'Askaban, que se passe-t-il quand maman et papa veulent retrouver leur bébé? He kept himself busy and joined with a man calling himself Lord Voldemort, a purist who wanted to rid the world of the tainted blood polluting the world around them. Delphi was the heir of Slytherin and had Slytherin traits, such as Parseltongue. The only person who can help her … Née de Bellatrix et Rodolphus Lestrange, Hermione a été élevé dans le monde moldu. Nouvelle Liste de lectures. As a member of the Lestrange and Black families, she is deeply connected to Lord Voldemort. Being the son of Cyrus's uncle, Romilius Lestrange, the infant was not expected to become head of the house, but this would become more and more likely as the years wore on. Delphi took the Augurey as her symbol, having it … Rabastan possibly attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin house, like his brother Rodolphus. With people Rodolphus looks down upon, which is a fair bit of the population, he tends to look down his nose, and his tone becomes much more arrogant than usual. His patience, of which he normally has a rather considerable amount of, becomes rather alarmingly short. Contempt would be the most apt description of his attitude toward these people. Ce Lestrange cité est donc un ancêtre de la famille Lestrange. However, due to the imprisonment of her parents Amber was instead raised by her aunt Narcissa and uncle Lucius Malfoy On appr… Bellatrix Lestrange is a fictional character of the Harry Potter series and is the sister of Narcissa Malfoy, the wife of Lucius Malfoy. Parents. - Q1: Quelle est la couleur de tes cheveux ? …more. Tibérius Orion Lestrange But... who are you ?Je me nomme Tibérius Orion Lestrange, je sais, c'est un prénom très bizarre, la faute à mes parents. Blood status: Pure-blood Played by Helena Bonham Carter Spouse: Rodolphus Lestrange … November 14, 2011 Sarah Jane . Parents: Cygnus Black (deceased) and Drusella Rosier Black Siblings: Andromeda Black Tonks and Narcissa Black Malfoy (younger sisters) Spouse: Rodolphus Lestrange Extended family as relevant: Rabastan Lestrange (brother-in-law), Lucius Malfoy (brother-in-law), Draco Malfoy (nephew) Family dynamics: Brought up with traditional values and agreed with the Black family ideals regarding … Cyrus's cousin, Rodolphus Lestrange, fourth in line for the Headship of House Lestrange, was born in late 1950. Rodolphus Lestrange #Etre abjecte qui se glisse dans l'ombre...# Auteur Message; Invité . This left the infant Delphi an orphan as her father had been. Rodolphus … The line was clearly able to continue through another branch than Corvus Sr.’s, … Bellatrix Lestrange, née Black, est une Mangemort s’étant engagée au service de Voldemort. In the Harry Potter movies, she was played by Helena Bonham Carter. Despite this, though no males would ever be born between the pair, soon before the war ended, Bellatrix gave birth to a daughter, whom the pair named Amber. In 1981, when Lord Voldemort was defeated the first time, Rodolphus and his wife refused to accept it. Plus, as TIME pointed out, Leta seemingly died without having children, meaning she could not be a direct ancestor of Rodolphus and must come from a different section of the Lestrange … # 8. As Addom grew up Rodolphus saw that Addom had the same abilities as Lord Voldemort. Rodolphus Lestrange: Rodolphus Lestrange was Mandy's biological father. Her parents died on May 2, 1998, leaving her an orphan at an early age. Bellatrix a 2 sœurs : Narcissa Malfoy et Andromeda Tonks, ces parents sont Druella Rosier et Cygnus Black III. After his parents are arrested and sentenced to Azkaban, baby Ashton is taken away by the Ministry of Magic a... harrypotter. Rodolphus Lestrange est un mangemort au service de Lord Voldemort. Delphini Naga Riddle was born June 30, 1997 during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower to Tom Riddle Jr. (or Lord Voldemort as he was known at the time) and Bellatrix Lestrange. Bellatrix Lestrange. When they're are sentenced to life in Azkaban, Valentine is placed into the care of the Malfoy's. Bellatrix Black (b. Make games, stories and interactive art with Scratch. You seem to think a stupid school house determines your values. However, she wasnt loved by her mother or father. Rodolphus Lestrange Harry Potter Wiki Fando . Eux seuls savent ce qui existe entre eux : une nuit. Tales of pureblood culture, wizarding politics and a world of grey mainly through the eyes of Lord Roderick Lestrange, son of Rodolphus and Bellatrix, and Rosetta (Rose) Evans the bastard daughter of Lily and Severus. Elle savait très bien qu'en bas, la famille Lestrange était venue régler les derniers détails de la demande qui n'en était pas une. Amber Bellatrix Lestrange is the daughter of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. Rodolphus Lestrange was born to the Pure-blood Lestrange Family, in Great Britain, prior to 1964. She couldn't have imagined what would become of the day when she is approached by Dumbledore himself. +22 more. Son of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. Elle est la Secrétaire de Rodolphus Lestrange depuis maintenant une vingtaine d’année. Lucius said. Et Bellatrix n'était même pas une Lestrange de naissance - elle était une Black et est devenue une Lestrange après son mariage avec Rodolphus. Il est le frère de Rabastan Lestrange. She was born in a liaison between Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange. She started her education at Hogwarts in 1962 and was Sorted into Slytherin house. As a member of the Lestrange and Black families, she is deeply connected to Lord Voldemort. Rodolphus' most despicable crime was torturing Neville Longbottom’s parents Alice and Frank. Barty Croupton Jr., Rodulphus, son frère et elle capturèrent deux Auror, Franck et Alice Longbottom. Her aunt and uncle raised her as their own but let her keep her birth name. Mais si plus important encore, que va-t-il se passer lorsque le Seigneur des Ténèbres devient intéressé? Elle épouse Rodolphus Lestrange, un camarade de classe, et rejoint avec lui les rangs des Mangemort. Bellatrix was married to Rodolphus Lestrange, but the marriage was loveless on her part. "Really? The family was originally consisted of almost all pure-bloods, until Muggle-born Hermione Granger was blood-adopted by Regulus and Rabastan Lestrange after the death of her parents and Half-Bloods Zuko and Azula were adopted by Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange after being rescued from their abusive father, Ozai, who was an extremely firm believer in pure-blood supremacy. Family: Second Husband (Deceased)- James Potter; Son- Hadrian James Wyatt Potter; Father (Deceased)- Cygnus Black III; Mother- Druella Black nee Rosier; Younger Sister- Andromeda Tonks; Brother- In-Law- Ted Tonks; Neice- Nymphadora Tonks; Younger Sister- Narcissa Malfoy; Nephew- Draco Malfoy; Brother-In-Law- Lucius Malfoy; Cousin- Evan Rosier; First Husband- Rodolphus Lestrange… His father, Barty Crouch Sr., who headed the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the time, sentenced him to life imprisonment in Azkaban. Il a été arrété avec son frère et sa femme Bellatrix Lestrange, pour avoir jeté le sortilège Doloris sur les auror Frank Londubat et Alice Londubat. Ses origines: elle vient d’une famille de sang pur qui a horreur des sangs de bourbes. She spent the first year of her life with the Rowles, who were entrusted with the care of the infant during the war. She took on... Draco. Instead Amber was raised by her aunt Narcissa and uncle Lucius Malfoy The Daughter of the Lestrange. Tu deviens Harry Rodolphus Lestrange mon héritier. At this time, Delphi was also made aware of a prophecy that was about the return of Lord Voldemort. Je restais d : Tu vas savoir quel mangemort tu es dans ce test ! Quiz similaires. Répartie à Poudlard dans la maison Serpentard, elle s'enrôle rapidement parmi les mangemorts et épouse Rodolphus Lestrange, un sang-pur, dans le cadre d'un mariage arrangé. Elle est la cousine de Sirius Black . The line was clearly able to continue through another branch than Corvus Sr.’s, … It’s not clear how he’s related to Corvus Lestrange Sr. but he was born to parents that were Lestranges, since he’s born a Lestrange. Ses deux sœurs, présentes dans la pièce elles aussi, réagirent différemment. Elle combat à ses côtés dans les deux guerres qui ont secoué la communauté magique et s'est illustrée par la violence et la cruauté de ses actes, se bâtissant une réputation à craindre. Nom de jeune fille : Bellatrix Black. Quiz Tout sur Harry Potter : Si vous voulez tester vos connaissances sur la saga Harry Potter, ce quiz est fait pour vous !P.S : Si vous n'avez pas lu les livres, certaines questions vous paraîtront obscures - Q1: Quel est le nom de l'auteure d'Harry Potter ? Rodolphus Lestrange, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. Alecto et Amycus Carrow sont frère et sœur qui apparaissent pour la première fois dans Harry Potter et le Prince de Sang-Mêlé, lorsqu'ils participent à la première attaque de Poudlard qui conduit à l'assassinat de Dumbledore auquel ils assistent directement . Nom original : idem. It is your home life — whether you will follow it, or you oppose it. Certains diront qu’il était différent, d’autres se contenteront de le craindre tout simplement. L'adoption ne devais pas faire ça! Elles ont juste le nom de famille «Lestrange» en commun. Elle attendait à présent que sa mère l'appelle pour lui demander de descendre dans la cuisine où la demande aurait sûrement lieu. J'ai vu le jo Bellatrix and his younger brother also joined, an event that brou… He became friends with many other pure-blood students and, according to Sirius Black joined a group of friends that included many future Death Eaters like Bellatrix Black, Lucius Malfoy, Evan Rosier, and Severus Snape.

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