platanus occidentalis

Die Platane wird botanisch Platanus acerifolia genannt. Der Baum ist ein Laubbaum, er wird bis 30 m hoch. Platanus est un genre d'arbres, les platanes Écouter, de la famille des Platanaceae qui comprend une dizaine d'espèces.La plus répandue est un hybride, le platane commun largement utilisé comme arbre d'alignement pour orner les places et les rues.. Étymologie : du nom grec πλάτανος, plátanos, dérivé de l'adjectif πλατύς, platús, large. Qu’est-ce qu’un arbre conifère vs. un feuillu ? Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) Common Name(s): Sycamore, American Plane. Platansläktet (Platanus) [1] [2] är det enda släktet i familjen platanväxter. Scientific Name Common Name Area Best Adapted For * Growth Rate Outstanding Characteristics * 1-EAST TEXAS • 2-SOUTH TEXAS • 3-WEST TEXAS • 4-NORTH TEXAS • 5-CENTRAL TEXAS • 6-ADAPTED TO MOST AREAS OF TEXAS MEDIUM AND LARGE TREES: Betula nigra: River Birch: 1: … Die Blätter sind gelappt und die Blüten grünlich. Landscape Uses: Use Sycamore as a shade or large specimen tree. De används ofta som prydnadsträd i offentliga miljöer. De westerse plataan heeft ondiep ingesneden bladeren, meestal driedelig. ¯æ¨¹ã¯ã‚まりにも有名だが、それらは16世紀以降、人為的に植栽されたもの。日本でも公園や植物園等で稀に見られる。 Scientific Name: Platanus occidentalis. Sycamore Tree/Buttonwood Tree/Buttonball Tree (Platanus occidentalis) Tulip Tree (Liriodendron) Weeping Willow Tree (Salix babylonica) Witch-Hazel Shrub (Hamamelis virginiana) Yamabuki/Japanese Marigold Bush (Kerria) A Few More Things You Should Know About Gardening Around a Black Walnut Tree … Don’t compost any part of the black walnut tree. : Platanus × acerifolia, Platanus × hybrida) ist eine Hybride aus der Gattung Platanen (Platanus) innerhalb der Familie der Platanengewächse (Platanaceae). ex Münchh. Platanus × hispanica, conocido también como Platanus × acerifolia y Plátano híbrido y plátano de sombra, es un árbol de imponente porte que alcanza los 55 m de alto, perteneciente a la familia de las platanáceas.Normalmente se considera un híbrido de Platanus orientalis y Platanus occidentalis, aunque hay expertos que opinan que puede tratarse de un cultivar de P. orientalis. Tree: Trees are woody perennial plants, usually with a single trunk, relatively tall Shrub: Shrubs are woody perennial … Photo by Diane F. Evartt. Distribution: Eastern United States. ападным (Platanus occidentalis L.), Platanus wyomingensis Will. Platanus occidentalis (American Sycamore) Populus alba (White Poplar) Populus deltoides (Eastern Cottonwood) Populus grandidentata (Big-Tooth Aspen) Populus heterophylla (Swamp Cottonwood) Populus tremuloides (Quaking Aspen) Prunus americana (Wild Plum) Prunus nigra (Canada Plum) Prunus persica (Peach) Prunus pumila susquehanae (Susquehana Sand Cherry) Prunus serotina … Platan klonolistny (Platanus acerifolia) – gatunek drzewa z rodziny platanowatych.Roślina jest powszechnie uważana za mieszańca międzygatunkowego pomiędzy platanem wschodnim P. orientalis L. i platanem zachodnim P. occidentalis L. Pierwszy z nich pochodzi z Europy południowo-wschodniej, a drugi z Ameryki Północnej i po raz pierwszy został opisany na początku XVIII w. Platanerna är stora träd som kan bli mellan 30 och 40 meter höga. De soort komt oorspronkelijk uit Amerika. 34. redmond linden Tilia americana ‘Redmond’ Large Hardy Attractive, fragrant flowers. Platanus x acerifolia Large Moderately Hardy Attractive leaves, interesting bark and fruit. The … Die Ahornblättrige Platane, Bastard-Platane, Gewöhnliche Platane, Gemeine Platane, Hybrid-Platane oder London-Platane (Platanus × hispanica, Syn. These large trees are native in North America, eastern Europe, and Asia and are characterized by scaling bark; large, deciduous, usually palmately lobed leaves; and globose heads of flower and seed. Tous les arbres du Canada peuvent être séparés en conifères ou feuillus. Read more In Stati Uniti e Canada è chiamato anche sycamore, ovvero "sicomoro", un nome comune che però, in altre parti del mondo, si riferisce a un tipo diverso di piante. Detalles morfológicos de Platanus occidentalis Varias de las especies tienen un uso primordial como árbol de paseo en zonas templadas, destacando el plátano de sombra ( Platanus × hispanica ), muy difundido en Europa y Norteamérica, y muy resistente, debido probablemente al llamado vigor híbrido , aunque de uso desaconsejado debido a la alergia que producen los vilanos. Seznam dreves in ovijalk na območju Slovenije je seznam, na katerem so uvrščene rastline, ki rastejo v naravnem okolju. Introduction to trees | Key to trees | Glossary of terms | Contact the author | UWGB Herbarium | Cofrin Center for Biodiversity. Average Dried Weight: 34 lbs/ft 3 (545 kg/m 3) Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC):.46, .55. Photo by Diane F. Evartt. Platanus / ˈ p l æ t ə n ə s / is a genus consisting of a small number of tree species native to the Northern Hemisphere.They are the sole living members of the family Platanaceae.. All mature members of Platanus are tall, reaching 30–50 m (98–164 ft) in height. Trees of Wisconsin sorted alphabetically by common name * = horticultural species, does not grow in Wisconsin unless cultivated Tulip Poplar blossom (right), Glen Burnie, Maryland, May 2015. Similar to oaks and maples, sycamores (Platanus occidentalis), are a common tree found throughout the eastern United States. The American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) is a massive tree that can attain the largest trunk diameter of any eastern U.S. hardwood. Platanus occidentalis (L., 1753), comunemente noto come platano occidentale o platano americano, è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Platanaceae, originaria del Nord America.. Its most striking characteristic is the exfoliating, dark brown to gray bark, which flakes off to expose a white inner bark. 33. english oak Quercus robur Large Hardy Majestic tree, leaves stay on tree over winter. Platanus occidentalis L. (1753) Afbeeldingen op Wikimedia Commons: Westerse plataan op Wikispecies: Portaal Biologie : De westerse plataan (Platanus occidentalis) is een boom uit de plataanfamilie (Platanaceae). Growth Characteristics Growth Habit Herb: Herbs are broad-leaved, herbaceous (non-woody) plant.Herbaceous plants are also known as forbs or wildflowers Grass: Grasses are herbaceous plants with narrow leaves originating at the base of the plant.Grasses are graminoids. Platanus occidentalis sycamore f, lo-mid *Platycladus orientalis Oriental white cedar r, lo *Populus alba silver poplar r, lo *Populus balsamifera ssp. The London planetree (Platanus × acerifolia) is a very large deciduous tree that is quite resilient in urban conditions.This hybrid tree resulted from a cross between two sycamore species: Platanus occidentalis (American sycamore) and Platanus orientalis (Oriental plane). Plane tree, any of the 10 species of the genus Platanus, the only genus of the family Platanaceae. It’s easy to spot a sycamore, as they have a distinctive maple-look to the large, light-green leaves. De bloemen groeien in één tot twee bolletjes. Det finns sex arter som samtliga är hemmahörande på norra halvklotet. Platanus × hispanica, platane à feuilles d'érable Platanus ×hispanica sujet âgé à Soignies (Belgique) Classification Règne Plantae Sous-règne Tracheobionta Division Magnoliophyta Classe Magnoliopsida Sous-classe Hamamelidae Ordre Hamamelidales Famille Platanaceae Genre Platanus Hybride Platanus × hispanica Mill. Sycamore, American (Platanus occidentalis) Tuliptree (Liriodendron tulipifera) Walnut, Black (Juglans nigra) Willow, Black (Salix nigra) Witchhazel, American (Hamamelis virginiana) Tulip Poplar sapling leaves (left), Glen Burnie, Maryland, May 2010. Les conifères sont souvent appelés des résineux ou des arbres à feuillage persistant (bien qu’il y ait toujours des exceptions). The stately sycamore also goes by the monikers of the button-ball, button-wood, or the American plane tree. Der Baum bevorzugt Sonne am Standort und der Boden sollte sandig bis lehmig sein. Platanus (L., 1753) è l'unico genere di piante appartenente alla famiglia delle Platanacee (T.Lestib., 1826), originario di America centro-settentrionale e bacino del Mediterraneo orientale.. Sycamore / Platanus occidentalis Family: Sycamore / Platanaceae Characteristics: Sycamore is a deciduous tree with coarse texture and a rapid growth rate. Platanus occidentalis, also known as American sycamore, American planetree, western plane, occidental plane, buttonwood, and water beech, is a species of Platanus native to the eastern and central United States, the mountains of northeastern Mexico, extreme southern Ontario, and possibly extreme southern Quebec. This ISTRO-affiliated journal examines the physical, chemical and biological changes in the soil caused by tillage and field traffic.Manuscripts will be considered on aspects of soil science, physics, technology, mechanization and applied engineering for a sustainable balance among productivity, …. ¯æ¨¹ãƒ»åº­åœ’樹として広く用いられている。 北半球に自生する樹木であるが、種の数は少ない。大抵30–50 mの高さに育つ。P. A fast-growing tree, the London plane typically gains several feet in height per year. Tree Size: 75-120 ft (23-37 m) tall, 3-8 ft (1-2.4 m) trunk diameter.

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